Universiteit Leiden

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Joost Batenburg

Professor Computer science

Prof.dr. K.J. Batenburg
+31 71 527 6985

Joost Batenburg is a professor at LIACS and his chair is Imaging and Visualization. He is also affiliated with the CWI and is program director of the interdisciplinary research programme Society, Artificial Intelligence and Life Sciences (SAILS). He published more than 80 journal articles and more than 60 conference papers in the field of tomographic image processing and reconstruction.  

More information about Joost Batenburg

Joost Batenburg is a professor at LIACS and his chair is Imaging and Visualization. He is also affiliated with the CWI and is program director of the interdisciplinary research programme Society, Artificial Intelligence and Life Sciences (SAILS).  He published more than 80 journal articles and more than 60 conference papers in the field of tomographic image processing and reconstruction. 

From 2013 till 2017 he chaired the EU COST Action EXTREMA on advanced X-ray tomography. He pioneered the field of discrete tomography, developing the first large-scale reconstruction methods.

His current research focuses on creating a real-time tomography pipeline, funded by an NWO Vici grant. He is responsible for the FleX-Ray lab, where a custom-designed CT system is linked to advanced data processing and reconstruction algorithms.

Professor Computer science

  • Science
  • Leiden Inst of Advanced Computer Science

Work address

Gorlaeus Building
Einsteinweg 55
2333 CC Leiden
Room number BE4.08



  • Hemlholtz Imaging Platform Member Scientific Advisory Council
  • Naturalis deelname Wetenschappelijke Adviesraad (SAB)
  • Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) Onderzoeker Computational Imaging (0.2fte)
  • Netherlands Institute for Conservation + Art + Science (NICAS) Deelname Wetenschappelijke Adviesraad
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