Universiteit Leiden

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Hans Theunissen

University Lecturer Turkish Studies/Islamic Art and Material Culture

Dr. H.P.A. Theunissen
+31 71 527 6480

Hans Theunissen is a University Lecturer at the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies.

More information about Hans Theunissen

Fields of interest

My fields of interest include (Ottoman) Turkish history and culture, and Islamic art and material culture. My research specialization lies in Ottoman Turkish art and material culture, in particular late Ottoman architecture and architectural decoration. My current research project focuses on late Ottoman architectural and interior decoration and studies religious wall paintings in relation to political and socio-cultural developments. The research combines fieldwork, and (art) historical analysis of both architecture, architectural and interior decoration, artifacts and texts and tries to contribute to a better understanding of the Late Ottoman cultural environment.


- PhD in Arabic, Persian and Turkish Languages and Cultures, Utrecht University (1991). 
- MA in Arabic, Persian and Turkish Languages and Cultures, Utrecht University (1984). 

- Lecturer in Turkish Studies/Islamic Art and Material Culture, Leiden University, 2006- 
- Lecturer in Turkish Studies, Utrecht University, 1984-2006.

Key publications

  • Theunissen H.P.A. (2017), The Ottoman Tiles of the Fakahani Mosque in Cairo, Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt53: 279-322.
  • Theunissen H.P.A. & Adıgüzel H. (2017), A Paradise for the Studious and Literary: the Dutch Tiles of the Ragıb Mehmed Pasha Library, Tiles & Architectural Ceramics Society Journal 23: 11-23.
  • Theunissen H.P.A. (2016), War, Propaganda and Architecture: Cemal Pasha’s Restoration of Islamic Architecture in Damascus during World War I. In: Zürcher E.J. (Ed.) Jihad and Islam in World War I. Studies on the Ottoman Jihad on the Centenary of Snouck Hurgronje’s “Holy War Made in Germany". Leiden: Leiden University Press. 223–273.


A range of courses in Ottoman-Turkish and modern Turkish history and culture, research seminars Turkish studies and Islamic art and material culture.

Editorial work

- Editor  EJOS, 1998-2006

University Lecturer Turkish Studies/Islamic Art and Material Culture

  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Leiden Institute for Area Studies

Work address

Herta Mohr
Witte Singel 27A
2311 BG Leiden
Room number 187



  • No relevant ancillary activities
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