Universiteit Leiden

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Gül Aktürk Hauser

Assistant professor

Dr. G. Aktürk Hauser
+31 71 527 2727

Dr Aktürk Hauser is Assistant Professor at the Department of Heritage and Society.

More information about Gül Aktürk Hauser

Office Days

Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays.

Current research

Gül Aktürk Hauser is Assistant Professor in Heritage Studies in the Faculty of Archaeology at Leiden University. Her research interest lies in the intersection of climate change and cultural heritage. Her research also investigates disaster risk management of cultural heritage, vernacular heritage (focused mostly on Turkey), cultural landscapes, climate displacement and intangible cultural heritage, land-use changes, critical heritage studies, and archaeological heritage management.

She received VAG Publication Grant to publish her PhD thesis as a book.

Teaching activities

She teaches heritage practices and methodologies. She formerly taught courses and supervised students on building green, cultural landscapes, and design strategy. She also participated in the development and teaching a course in MOOC on water heritage.

Curriculum Vitae

She is an architect and studied MSc Architectural Conservation at Edinburgh University between 2012 and 2013. She then worked in several architectural restoration projects and archaeological excavations for over 5 years.

She completed her PhD with the title of "Climate Change and the Resilience of Collective Memories" in the Faculty of Architecture at TU Delft in January 2023. Before completing her PhD, she started her postdoctoral research on I-tree 2.0 NL project in the Industrial Design Engineering Faculty at TU Delft. As part of her work, she conducts workshops with consortium partners for the development of the software.

Her work has received international recognition from NGOs such as the Climate Heritage Network. She was a visiting fellow at The Arctic Institute. She presented her research at COP26 and gave a lecture for the COP26 lecture series organized by the Scottish Civic Trust on heritage, equity, and the climate crisis. She also participated in 2022 World Monuments Watch Nominations as a reviewer. She is an associate member of ICOMOS-IFLA ISCCL, LDE Centre for Global Heritage and Development, and Climate Heritage Network.

Assistant professor

  • Faculteit Archeologie
  • Archaeological Heritage
  • Archaeological Heritage Management

Work address

Van Steenis
Einsteinweg 2
2333 CC Leiden
Room number B2.01


  • TU Delft postdoctoral research I-tree 2.0 NL project
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