Universiteit Leiden

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Anton Raap

Professor Molecular Cytology

Prof.dr. A.K. Raap
+31 71 526 9263

For more information please visit the LUMC website

One can read the fascination from my face when it comes to imaging and concepts in cell biology and genetics. In the actual image formation, microscopy and the molecular sciences take a central position: with a number of elegant experimental procedures, the biomolecular processes in cell and chromosomes are projected on the retina in colourful images. The brain-eye interaction then takes over. The images are interpreted and put in perspective of cell biological and genetic hypotheses. Usually this process inspires to further experimentation so as to get the sharper picture of the truth of the healthy and diseased cell. 
There are a few other aspects in this work that contribute to my fascination. The step to diagnostic application is often a small one, the actual images are esthetically pleasing and it is a joy to teach the images and concepts.

The title of his inaugural lecture was 'Cellen en moleculen microscopisch in beeld'. 

Professor Molecular Cytology

  • Faculteit Geneeskunde
  • Divisie 4
  • Divisie 4

Work address

LUMC Research Building
Einthovenweg 20
2333 ZC Leiden
Room number S1-P


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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