Universiteit Leiden

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Positionierungen. Kritische Antworten auf die ‚Flüchtlingskrise‘ in Kunst und Literatur // Taking Positions on the ‘Refugee Crisis’: Critical Responses in Art and Literature

The recent rise in global migration movements and the simultaneous attempts to prevent migrations to the Global North in general and Europe in particular have produced numerous images and narratives that try to record and convey these events and their actors.

Liesbeth Minnaard and Kea Wienand
09 January 2020

Many of these representations depict migrants as suspects and border crossings as uncontrollable. The (bilingual) 66th issue of FKW examines a range of artistic interventions in European ‘refugee crisis’ rhetoric from the fields of literature, visual art, film, and theatre and reflects on the ways in which these art-works do – or do not – succeed in providing new grammars and alternative imaginations of the present.

Have a look at the complete issue or the separate contributions on: www.fkw-journal.de

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