Universiteit Leiden

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Turnout in European parliament elections 1979–2019

In this article, Madeleine Hosli, Professor of International Relations at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, and Jaroslaw Kantorowicz, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Security and Global affairs, discusses the relevance of structural variables in a time where European politics are becoming increasingly salient among the wider public.

Madeleine O.Hosli, Jaroslaw Kantorowicz, Marijn A.M Nagtzaam & Martijn I. Haas
10 November 2022

This paper builds on earlier work of exploring several non-structural factors that matter for EP voter turnout rates. The authors aims to develop improved and updated assessments, while accounting for the role of such original structural factors in EP elections. We offer an adapted methodological framework, extended dataset and improvements based on criticisms and suggested extensions to Franklin’s earlier study. Moreover, the higher number of observations since the 2004 EU enlargement leads to more insights into turnout, also in terms of differences between ‘older’ and ‘newer’ EU states.

Read the full article here!

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