Universiteit Leiden

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PhD defence | Artistic presentation/ concert

Artistic presentation/ concert as part of PhD defence Johannes Leertouwer

Wednesday 11 January 2023
Entrance is free
Telders Auditorium (Academy Building)
Rapenburg 73

You are cordially invited to the public defence and concert by Johannes Leertouwer of the research project entitled ‘Re-inventing the Nineteenth-Century Tools of Unprescribed Modifications of Rhythm and Tempo in Performances of Brahms’s Symphonies and Concertos.’ On January 12 at 11h15, Leertouwer will defend his dissertation in the Academy Building of Leiden University. The defense ceremony will be in English.

The core of Leertouwers dissertation consists of audio recordings of Johannes Brahms’s four Symphonies and four Concertos on 8 CDs. These recordings were made during the four years of Leertouwer’s PhD research with a special project orchestra which he assembled for this purpose. The orchestral rehearsals and performances with this orchestra functioned as a laboratory in which research findings could be tested and developed. The recordings represent the results of Leertouwer’s efforts to re-invent the expressive potential of nineteenth-century expressive tools, particularly modifications of rhythm and tempo. Leertouwer presents his recordings together with films and a written part. In 18 films the work with the orchestra is documented and examples of modifications are discussed.

The final part of the dissertation is a written description of the way in which Leertouwer’s interpretations are rooted in his understanding of historical evidence of nineteenth-century performance practices.

Concert/ presentation with Narratio Quartet on January 11 2023

On the eve of his defence, 11 January, Johannes Leertouwer will perform Beethoven with his colleagues of the Narratio String quartet. He will also talk about how his Brahms research affected his ideas about music and performance. 

Where: Telders Auditorium, Academy Building, Rapenburg 73 in Leiden

When: Wednesday January 11, 19h30-20h45.

Entrance: Entrance is free, but please RSVP to administratie@johannesleertouwer.nl if you want to attend the concert.


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