Universiteit Leiden

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Career and apply for jobs

Workshop: Entrepreneurship with Sjoerd Louwaars and Vahit Güzel the founder of Choco & Things

Many of the study programs at FGGA are focused on working for (international) organisations or governments. But what if you want to start your own company? We believe you have to develop an entrepreneurial mindset and train the ability to adapt. This workshop will extrapolate (technology) trends and identify a future societal need. Then we will help you identify the skills you need to develop to create your own future job. There is a big chance this will be as an entrepreneur turning your ideas into reality.

For who:
FGGA students

Sjoerd Louwaars is director of PLNT, the Leiden Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. He will tell us about what he has learned about entrepreneurship. Also, the founder of Choco & Things (all about raw organic vegan chocolate) will join us to share his personal story!

Expect an afternoon which will leave you inspired about being an entrepreneur yourself!

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