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Fellows Cluster Veiligheid

Aan de opleidingen van het Centre for Professional Learning op het gebied van Terrorisme, Recht en Veiligheid zijn verschillende (research) fellows verbonden. De fellows geven advies over de inhoud van het curriculum en de verbinding tussen wetenschap en praktijk.

Overzicht Fellows

Simon Minks is a National Senior Public Prosecutor of the Netherlands and specialises in counter terrorism and war crimes. In 2013, 2014 and 2017 he attended as expert speaker an UN expert meeting in Geneva, which dealt with the prosecution of companies accused of human rights violations. Minks gives workshops, training sessions/ presentations for prosecutors, judges and police/public officials about prosecuting war crimes and terrorism both national and international.

Equipped with significant expertise in legal forensic matters, Minks attended as participant and trainer at a mock trial for nuclear global experts, organised by the Dutch Forensic Institute. Currently, he is a member of the Master of Forensic Science Advisory Board of the University of Amsterdam. Simon Minks has received much national and international public exposure leading to guest appearances in the media, and as guest lecturer at various (inter) national universities, recently at Leiden University, Utrecht Law College and ( as visiting lecturer) at Strathmore university Nairobi. Minks is a UNODC consultant on the project nuclear security and terrorism.

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