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Jeroen Jansen

Assistant Professor at the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands


Jeroen Jansen is Assistant Professor in the Department of Analytical Chemistry at Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands. He obtained his PhD at the University of Amsterdam in the field of chemometrics, the quantitative analysis of analytical chemical data. He developed ANOVA-Simultaneous Component Analysis (ASCA), a method for multivariate analysis of metabolomics data that is now in widespread use. His subsequent post-doc at the Netherlands Institute of Ecology dealt with the metabolomics analysis of plant-insect interactions, he then returned to his seat behind the computer in a second post-doc at the Netherlands Metabolomics Centre, focusing on developing methods for the analysis of multi-compartment metabolomics datasets. In his current position, Dr Jansen develops methods for omics data analysis, specifically on multiple omics platforms and on single cells.

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