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Erica G. Wilson

PhD at the Natural Products Laboratory, Institute of Biology, Leiden University - the Netherlands


Erica is currently working in the Natural Products Laboratory with Dr Young Hae Choi as Laboratory and Project manager, particularly in LCMS metabolomics.  She graduated as a pharmacist from the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina) and obtained her PhD under Rob Verpoorte at the University of Leiden. Since her graduation, she has worked both in the academia and the private industry so that her professional career has followed a non-traditional path. She has worked in the Dept. of Pharmacognosy in the University of Buenos Aires (on leave) and lately as Full Professor (on leave) of Quality Assurance in the University of Belgrano (Buenos Aires, Argentina), specialising in analytical method development, extraction and chromatographic techniques.

In these universities, apart from academic activities, she directed and organised outsourcing facilities for analytical and consulting services for the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and agrochemical industries. She also organised a great number of courses and workshops on chromatography and lately on QC of medicinal herbs. Apart from this, she worked in pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies in research and development of analytical methods. 

In the last years, she has become increasingly involved in natural products QC and regulatory affairs of phytomedicines and dietary supplements and is particularly interested in applying the results of metabolomic studies of medicinal herbs to develop better and more relevant analytical methods to ensure their efficiency. She is a member of the Harmonisation Committee of the Mercosur (South American trade union) Pharmacopoeia, as an expert on analytical methods and QC of natural products. In the coming year, she will work on the development of SFC-MS metabolomic applications.

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