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There are five categories of members within the Research School:

  1. Senior members
  2. Postdocs
  3. PhD candidates
  4. Junior members
  5. Associated members

1. Senior members

Tenured staff of participating universities, including active emeriti professors.

2. Postdocs

Researchers and/or teachers with temporary contracts, working at a participating university.

3. PhD candidates

Both salaried/internal and non-salaried/external PhD candidates. In the former case, PhD candidates have to be formally registered as participants in the Research School; in the latter case, PhD candidates have to be formally registered as members of a local Graduate School before they can apply for membership of the Research School.

4. Junior members

Research Master students who have been formally registered as participants in the Research School.

5. Associated members

These members can be staff or temporary researchers of research institutes outside the universities (e.g. research institutes of the Royal Academy of Sciences), of faculties or universities that do not participate in the Research School, or other recognized specialists in the field (e.g. guest researchers, researchers from foreign universities who are involved in a Dutch project, retired tenured staff who are still active as researchers, or recognized independent researchers). They will be accepted as associated members at the discretion of the Academic Director of the Research School.

Other interested parties who want to be informed about the activities of the Research School through its newsletter do not count as members, but they are welcome to attend the annual Medieval Studies Day or any other public lectures, organised by the Research School.

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