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Course Program 2023-2024

For the basic program, Research Master students and PhD students can register by sending an e-mail to: ozsmed@hum.leidenuniv.nl.

In order to register for the join-in courses and other activities, please contact the corresponding teachers and/or coordinators at their university.


  • In the Program a distinction is made between the basic program organized by the Research School, so-called join-in courses, and relevant conferences organized by participant universities.
  • For the basic program, ECTS points and/or certificates may be obtained (whereby one ECTS point stands for a work load of 28 hours). ECTS credits and marks are awarded by the activity's coordinator; Research School certificates, signed by the Academic Director, are issued by direction of the activity's coordinator or on presentation of a valid exam note. For the join-in courses, the Research School only performs a platform function, sharing information about courses taught by its participant universities. The Research School does not award ECTS credits for join-in courses nor does it issue certificates for such courses. Accordingly, join-in courses do not count towards the 10 ECTS which students are required to take with the Research School. Only if the conferences are partly organized or funded by the Research School, ECTS points and/or certificates may be obtained from the Research School.
  • The basic program comprises a total of thirteen courses organized by the Research School, that have been purpose-developed for training and support of PhD students and Research MA students who specialize in Medieval Studies (history, art history, and literary history, in particular). The courses have a study load of 3-5 ECTS points. The Research School reserves itself the right to cancel a course in case of insufficient interest (i.e. less than 4 registrations for a course). At the same time, the Research School aims to allow as many people as possible to participate in these courses. However, if there is great interest in a particular course, a maximum number of participants may be set. The maximum number of participants will be communicated via the website and/or newsletter. In addition, there will be several (inter)national symposia, (co-)organized by the Research School, and the yearly Medieval Studies’ Day, whose active attendance can generate 1-2 ECTS points. Please note that the course dates on the website are still provisional. Final dates will be provided on the website and through the newsletter as soon as they become available.
  • Join-in courses are MA-courses in medieval topics given in set MA-programs of the six participant universities of the Research School. On request, such courses are accessible for MA-students from other (Dutch) universities. Course loads and number of credit points to be obtained are usually between 5 and 10 ECTS.
  • Local conferences are symposia, master classes, workshops and the like that are organized throughout the year by medieval studies departments in the six Dutch universities participating in the Research School as well as in the associated Flemish universities (Ghent, Louvain, Antwerp). These activities are announced in the Research School’s newsletter. If not open events, they may be attended by request to the organizers, who are free to determine whether ECTS credits can be obtained (and, if so, how many and in what way).
  • Research MA-students and PhD students are wise to consult with their supervisors how parts of the Research School’s Course Program fit best in their own training and research plans.
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