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On these pages you will find information on the research that is being conducted at each of the participating universities as well as the funding programme set up by the Research School.


The Research School has no research program of its own, but it aims to support interdisciplinary and/or interuniversity co-applications for Dutch and European research funds.

The research conducted by its individual members takes place within local research programs and externally funded, often interuniversity or international research projects.

What follows is a survey of existing programs and current projects for each of the participating universities.

In addition, the Research School has set up a programme to (co-)fund the organisation of congresses, workshops, and master classes by its members.

On display, publications, and tools

In addition to this survey, the button On display showcases a number of PhD projects being conducted by PhD students attached to the Research School. 

Under the button Publications remarkable new books written or (co-)edited by members of the Research School are highlighted.

Finally, you will find an overview of digitally avaibable research material under the button Tools.

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