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About the project

Heritage Quest is a citizen science project in which volunteers help archaeologists in the quest for undiscovered archaeological heritage.

In short

This project allows everyone who is interested to help archaeologists with scientific research. On new high-resolution LiDAR maps archaeological structures are visible that until now were hidden by vegetation. Participants help inspect these maps and help validating of the discovered structures in the field. In this way citizen scientists help discover and thereby protect archaeological heritage.


The aims of the Heritage Quest project are twofold and focus on both components of the term citizen science. 

The citizen part of the project centres on making as many people as possible aware of the unique archaeological heritage of the Netherlands. Too many people think of Stonehenge or the pyramids when they hear the term archaeology, but are unaware of the rich and diverse heritage right at their doorstep. Studies have shown that increased awareness and sense of ownership resulting from participation leads to better protection of this fragile heritage from the distant past.

Scientifically, the aim is to discover as yet unknown archaeological structures. Participation of citizen scientists makes it possible to study much larger areas and attain a more representative sample than would be possible by professional archaeologists alone. Involving the public allows the collection of big data.

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