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Creative Intelligence Lab

The Creative Intelligence Lab (CIL) is an interdisciplinary research lab that connects researchers with different backgrounds across the cognitive and computer sciences. It is affiliated to the Media Technology MSc program. Researchers and students from the Media Technology group play a large role in it.

Foundations of intelligence

CIL's main shared interest is in the foundations of intelligence, both 'in carbo' and 'in silico'. Research focuses on precisely those aspects of intelligence that we still find hard to graps in AI, such as creativity, curiosity, emotion, culture, language, art and intentional reasoning (a.k.a. mindreading or Theory of Mind). To study this, methods from various fields including AI, linguistics, the arts and psychology are used applied.

Playfulness & creativity

Just as the Media Technology MSc program, the CIL recognises playfulness and creativity as key factors in scientific innovation. It encourages alternative research output besides academic papers, such as physical installations, exhibitions, and public events.

Photo at top of page: Max van Duijn and Tessa Verhoef (of CIL) doing field-research at Lowlands Music Festival
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