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The Old Observatory offers various options for visits from schools. Besides our tours, we also offer special workshops for schools.

Verwonder om de hoek

The Old Observatory is one of the partners of the local learning group ‘Verwonder om de Hoek’, an educational platform form Leiden that lets school children and families wonder about the world of Nature, Science, Technology and Sustainability. They offer this experience in real life, at school or at the partners of the group, and in their digital platform ‘de Verwonderwereld’.

You can find our offer on the website of Verwonder om de Hoek. On the website, you can find the activities we offer and reserve a workshop. More information about our programmes for schools can be found on the page ‘Schoolprogramma’s. Tours can be reserved directly at our request form. Do you have another idea or do you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us via rondleidingen@strw.leidenuniv.nl.

Besides our collaboration with ‘Verwonder om de Hoek’, the Leiden Observatory also has close ties with the educational platforms Universe Awareness and Space Awareness.

Universe Awareness

The educational program of the Old Observatory is partly based on educational material from Universe Awareness. This is an international educational programme that focuses on children between 4 and 12 years old worldwide. It offers educational material of high quality for children and teachers, with a network of astronomers and educators in over 64 countries. Universe Awareness was found at the Leiden Observatory and is one of the projects of the Astronomy & Society Group of Leiden University.

You can find more information on the website of Universe Awareness.

Space Awareness

The educational program of the Old Observatory is partly based on educational material from Space Awareness. This is a European educational programme that focuses on children between 8 and 18 in Europe, Africa and Asia. It offers educational material of high quality to children, young adults and teachers. Space Awareness was found at the Leiden Observatory and is one of the projects of the Astronomy & Society Group of Leiden University. 

You can find more information on the website of Space Awareness.

Space Scoop

A qualitatively good website to find information about space, either at home or in the classroom, is the website Space Scoop. Space Scoop brings you the latest astronomical news every week. The articles talk about the most exciting, cosmic events in easily understandable language. With Space Scoop you can discover more about the newest missions on board of the International Space Station, you can see how new planets are born and you can travel with us to the early Universe. All our news and pictures come directly from 13 of the best space agencies in the world, and we deliver them to you without delay. So visit us every week and make sure you never miss the latest news! Tip: check the webpage ‘Ruimtewoorden’ and find the meaning of all terms in astronomy.


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