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Online catalogue

The online catalog of our library is accessible through this link.

NVIC Library Catalog user manual

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A: General: Reference works (handbooks, encyclopedias), dictionaries, bibliographies, concordances on Qur’ān and hadīth, catalogs (e.g. of manuscripts), congress acts, collections of articles…

B: Islam: Qur’ān, hadīth, fiqh, tafsīr, other Islamic studies, religion studies, philosophy…

C: Linguistics: Arabic linguistics, grammar books, comparative linguistics, sociolinguistics, text books, dialects, vocabulary lists, TAFL…

D: Literature: Arabic novels, poetry, short story collections, translations, literature studies, essays…

E: History, politics: Egypt, Middle East, international relations, oil politics, ideologies (liberation movements, nationalism)...

F: Art: Visual arts, archaeology of the islamic world, islamic art, numismatics, architecture, calligraphy, music, dance, cinema, theater, media studies… 

G: Sciences: Mathematics, astrology, geography, technology, early translations from the Greek language, agriculture, water politics, environment, law, economics, trade, health, education, travel reports, tourist guides…

S: Social sciences: Sociology, anthropology, housing, migration, slavery, ethnic and/or religious minorities, psychology, gender studies, culture, development cooperation, trade unions, human rights, refugees, urbanisation… 

H:Ancient Egyptian: Dictionaries, reference works…

I: Ancient Egypt: General

K: Coptic studies

L: Ancient Nubia, Sudan 

M: Graeco-Roman Egypt 

N: Ancient Near East 

GF: Large-sized publications 

Series: Arabic Studies, Ancient Egypt, Coptic Studies…  

NL/VL: Textbooks, history of the Netherlands and Flanders…

Offprints and excavation reports

In addition to an outstanding book collection and a rich magazine archive, the NVIC library has a humble number of offprints, excavation reports, and conservation reports. Aside from consulting our catalog to see what it is we have, you can also browse through the following lists.

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