Radi8: Listen to the Student's Voice
Radi8 Radio is the student-led podcast network of the study association BASIS, with over 30 producing members.
Over the past two years, our podcasts have covered various topics, ranging from international politics and climate change to student life and youth culture. We also interview professors and experts frequently. For example, this year, we organised live events and podcasts with Dr. Casper Wits, Dr. Jeffrey Fynn-Paul and Dr. Matthew Frear, among others.
Though the academic year is ending and a new board is taking over soon, our producers still have some interesting podcasts coming up. We recently interviewed Dr. Joost Baarsen on the upcoming midterm-elections in the US and the developments happening within the Republican Party. We also hosted a live event together with the East Asia Committee where we interviewed Dr. Casper Wits on war reconciliation in Germany and Japan, which will be uploaded as a podcast soon .
If you are interested in our content, you can follow us on Instagram at @radi8radio. Using the same handle, you can find our podcasts on every streaming platform (Spotify, Apple Podcasts etc.).
The season is ending soon, but Radi8 Radio continues next year! If you are interested in joining the project next semester, keep an eye out on our socials! You can also email us at radi8radio@basisthehague.nl or contact us on Instagram for more information.