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The scientists at Babylab Leiden ensure that important knowledge is gathered about how babies learn to understand the world around them. Meet our Babylab Team and get to know our researchers!


  • Claartje Levelt Professor at the Centre for Linguistics

    Claartje Levelt is the head of the Lipsius location of the Babylab, and together with students from the Linguistics department she investigates how babies learn a language.

  • Szilvia Biro is the head and scientific coordinator of the Pieter de la Court site for the Babylab. Dr. Biro investigates social-cognitive development of infants and works with students from the Institute of Psychology and from the Institute of Child and Education.

  • Andreea Geambasu is the lab manager of the Experimental Linguistics Labs at our Lipsius location (part of the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics). She completed her PhD in the Leiden Babylab in 2018 and is fascinated by how babies learn (multiple) languages and how they compare to other non-human animals in their language abilities.

Current team members

  • Natasja Delbar

    Natasja Delbar is a PhD researcher at the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics. After completing the research master in Linguistics, she is now researching speech production mechanisms in young children, and she is a part of the PerPLex project, which focuses on the relationship between speech production and speech perception in toddlers.

  • Hanneke Ebbers

    Hanneke is a master student in Education and Child Studies and currently writing her master thesis about the research she is doing in the Babylab. She is very interested in the behaviour of young children.

  • Zsófia Károlyi

    Zsofia is master student following the Parenting, Child Care and Development program at the Institute of Child and Family Studies.

  • Isabella Saccardi

    Isabella is a senior Research Assistant and works on the implementation of our online study.

  • Anne VIeveen

    Anne is 25 years old. This year she will help out in the Babylab as a master student in Child Psychology at Leiden University. In her spare time, she likes to play volleyball, read and take long walks with her sweet dog.

  • Giulia Vigna

    Giulia is a Research Master’s student in Education and Child Studies. She studied Primary Education (Teacher Training program) in Italy and she is now in the Netherlands to further investigate human development from a psychological and neuroscientific point of view.ster student following the Applied Neuroscience program at the Institute of Child and Family Studies.

  • Tingting Zheng

    Tingting Zheng is currently completing her PhD's degree in Psycholinguistics. Her dissertation is about pitch processing in lexical prosody, and her research fields include sound symbolism, language development, and neurocognition. Her interests extend to emotion processing and underlying neural mechanisms.

  • Karin van den Berg MA Linguistics Building Blocks of Cognition
  • Tatjana Hahn BA Linguistics intern ManyBabies3
  • Heleen Lange
  • Ngaira Salomon BA Linguistics intern ManyBabies3
  • Robin Sanchez-van Ginkel BA Linguistics Building Blocks of Cognition
  • Aranka van Tol MA Linguistics, research assistant Building Blocks of Cognition
  • Guilia Vigna
  • Andreas Wölfle BA Linguistics Building Blocks of Cognition
  • Jie Yan MA Linguistics, research assistant ManyBabies3
  • Wout Ydema BA Linguistics Building Blocks of Cognition
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