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Leiden Science Young Talent Award

The Leiden Science Young Talent Award is awarded yearly to a student who completed their bachelor’s degree with an excellent thesis.

Dominique Lawson

BSc Computer Sciences and BSc Mathematics

How correct are mathematical theorems? And is all the theory around them correct? To find out, mathematics student Dominique Lawson converted a mathematical theorem into computer language. This allows a computer to understand the theorem and check whether the proof behind it is entirely correct.

‘When you finish a part, a message appears on your screen saying: goals accomplished with a confetti emoji.’

Read the full interview with Dominique.


Romme van der Kemp

BSc Physics

Using 2D materials, physics student Romme van der Kemp developed a nanochip that is extremely small ánd scalable. This is needed to make all kinds of technologies better, faster and smaller.

I developed a simulation and also tried to make my nanochips experimentally.’

Read the full interview with Romme.


Willemijn van der Heijden

BSc Biopharmaceutical sciences

A new treatment for atherosclerosis showed promising results in isolated cells but was less effective in initial tests. Bachelor student Biopharmaceutical Sciences Willemijn van der Heijden aimed to understand why. She investigated whether the formation of a protein layer around the medication particles might be the cause.

‘Hopefully, through this research, we can enhance the effectiveness of this medication.’

Read the full interview with Willemijn.


Darcy Reynolds

BSc Life science and technology

Nerve pain is one of the most common side effects of chemotherapy. It is therefore one of the biggest reasons for cancer patients to stop treatment early. Darcy Reynolds worked on new drug candidates against this pain during her bachelors thesis.

‘I delevoped a new series of molecules that increase the success rate of the drug in clinical trials.’

Read the full interview with Darcy.


The other nominees

Aniek Vankan

BSc Molecular science and technology

‘Despite the complexity of the project, Aniek accepted the challenge. She mastered all kinds of skills, held an excellent presentation and is a great team player.’ - Supervisor Saša Kenjereš.


Bryan Graas

BSc Biology

'Several prominent biotech companies have expressed interest in Bryan's work.' - supervisor Kiki Spaninks


Lucas Pouw

BSc Astronomy

'In the first month, Lucas already went beyond our estimated goals. This allowed us to extend the project to gain a deeper depth with more complex calculation.' - supervisor Elena M. Rossi

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