Deadline extended: Moving Humanities conference 29 juli 2024
The deadline for the earlier announced Moving Humanities conference has been extended to August 12. See the original news message for the call for papers.
Els Rose (UU) ontvangt eredoctoraat van de Universiteit van Lausanne 29 juli 2024
Els Rose heeft een eredoctoraat ontvangen van de Universiteit van Lausanne. Rose is hoogleraar laat- en middeleeuws Latijn aan de Universiteit Utrecht. De commissie prijst Rose voor “haar originele onderzoek, dat heeft bijgedragen aan ons begrip van de breedte en diepte van de receptie van middeleeuwse narratieve teksten en tradities in de liturgie van de Latijnse kerk en, in bredere zin, in de westerse cultuur.”
Publication: Erasure in Late Antiquity 19 juli 2024
This volume, edited by Kay Boers, Becca Grose (University of St Andrews), Rebecca Usherwood (Trinity College Dublin) and Guy Walker (Trinity College Dublin), brings together eight essays by eminent scholars and early career researchers, reflecting on the phenomenon of erasure in Late Antiquity (c. 150 - 750 CE) and the various theoretical frameworks that can be used in studying this phenomenon. From a broad theoretical, chronological, and thematic focus, the contributions in this volume reflect on the processes of erasure and the strategies, actors and authorities behind them. They seek to understand erasure as a flexible and diverse phenomenon, visible in different late antique media and material cultures.
Utrecht University Master-Apprentice Elective (10 ECTS) - Lettercraft in Early Medieval Europe 26 juni 2024
The Utrecht-based VIDI project Lettercraft in Early Medieval Europe, AD 481-751 is working on a new database of Merovingian epistolary communication. We are looking for enthusiastic (R)MA students who would like to join us this Fall as research apprentices for the first phase of data entry and analysis. Please see the attachment for more information. Are you interested or do you have questions? Please contact Robert Flierman at r.flierman[at]
Cfp: The Fantastic and the Supernatural in the Medieval Germanic Traditions (deadline extended) 26 juni 2024
The deadline for the conference "The Fantastic and the Supernatural in the Medieval Germanic Traditions" has been extended to June 30.
Publicatie: City, Citizen, Citizenship, 400–1500. A Comparative Approach 14 juni 2024
Het VICI onderzoeksproject Citizenship Discourses in the Early Middle Ages, onder leiding van Els Rose (Universiteit Utrecht), heeft een nieuw boek uitgebracht: Els Rose, Robert Flierman en Merel de Bruin-van de Beek, red., City, Citizen, Citizenship, 400–1500. A Comparative Approach (Londen: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2024). Het is een interdisciplinaire studie van het middeleeuwse denken over de stad in tekst, beeld, en materiële cultuur. Verschillende leden van de onderzoeksschool hebben een hoofdstuk bijgedragen. Het boek is volledig open access gepubliceerd.
Scriptieprijs Stichting tot Gedachtenis 14 juni 2024
Jaarlijks looft de Stichting tot Gedachtenis scriptieprijzen uit voor (Research) Master studenten die zijn verbonden aan Nederlandse en Belgische universiteiten. Onderwerp van de scriptie dient in lijn met de doelstelling van de stichting, die onderzoek naar de dodengedachtenis Nederlanden tot aan het begin van de zeventiende eeuw bevordert. Verdere informatie over de scriptie kan worden ingewonnen op de website van de stichting. Inzendingen kunnen ingediend worden tot en met 31 augustus.
Promotieplechtigheid Cora Zwart 14 juni 2024
Op 4 juli a.s. gaat Cora Zwart promoveren op haar proefschrift "Religious book owners and their networks. Lay religious practices and social connectivity in the urbanized Low Countries (c.1370-c.1550)". De verdediging zal om 11.00 in de aula van het Academiegebouw van de RuG plaatsvinden.
21st annual CMEMS conference: Borders and Boundaries: Separating Identities, Ideas, and Space (Groningen, 6-7 June) 28 mei 2024
Students of the Research Master Classical, Medieval and Early Modern Studies (CMEMS) of the University of Groningen kindly invite you to the annual CMEMS conference. This year we will explore the processes that structure physical and symbolic borders and boundaries in different contexts and histories. In the last decades of the twentieth century, there has been a change in how borders and boundaries are approached: instead of static and objective, they are increasingly understood as changing, flexible structures that are products of the relations between people and things. ReMA students can obtain 1 ECTS by attending.
CfP: Moving Humanities (31 October-1 November) 28 mei 2024
On October 31 and November 1, the second Moving Humanities conference will be organised by the University of Groningen and Radboud University. Moving Humanities offers a podium to graduate students from all disciplines in the humanities, and aims to promote cross-disciplinary collaborations. This year, the conference theme is Resistance, taken in its broadest sense, both within our subjects of research and the humanities itself. Abstracts for talks and poster presentations can be submitted until July 31.