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Graduation presentation

A compulsory part of every graduation project is a public presentation of the thesis work and its results.

Without such a presentation it is not possible to complete the graduation project. The student presents his/her final work to the thesis advisors and others in a way that is appropriate for the project.

When can I present?

Thesis presentations can only be held on pre-scheduled dates in the Media Technology calendar. The decision whether the graduation project has progressed sufficiently for it to be presented can only be made by the internal/primary thesis advisor.

How to prepare?

Before the thesis presentation, the presenting students must:

  1. Obtain permission from the primary (internal) thesis advisor for the graduation presentation.
  2. Send the project title and abstract to the program coordinator, with both advisors mentioned, at least two weeks prior the presentation.
  3. Invite two "critics" (see below). Provide them with the thesis 7 days before the presentation date, giving them the opportunity to read it. Explain to the critics what is expected of them.
  4. Prepare a 20 (max 25) minutes presentation (in a suitable form) about the project.

Conference Format

Graduation presentations follow a classic conference format. The primary advisor act as conference session chair. 

  1. The advisor very shortly introduces the student and welcomes the invited critics.
  2. The student presents their work in 20 minutes (25 max), in a suitable form.
  3. The advisor moderates a public discussion of approximately 10/15 minutes, in which the audience can ask questions to the student. This is also where the invited critics have their role.

Invited Critics

For every graduation presentation, a two invited critics must be appointed by the student and primary thesis advisor. The critics have the following role at the presentation:

  1. The critics must attend the presentation and have read the thesis before the presentation.
  2. They have first right to ask questions during the discussion following the presentation; the advisor must see to this. Critics are expected to have prepared 1 or 2 questions each.
  3. The advisor is free to consult with the critics in order to evaluate the graduation project.

Critics are academic peers of the presenting student, or otherwise capable of critically evaluating the student's graduation work. Typically critics are academic staff, PhD students, established artists, external experts, or graduated fellow students. At most one of the critics can be a fellow student. The names and professions of the critics must be communicated to the thesis advisor before the graduation presentation, making it possible for the advisor to properly welcome and introduce them.

Ambitious students have been known to invite high-profile academic critics.

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