12 Results found for "national security"
How can Feminist Foreign Policy contribute to National Security in an Age of Domestic Terror Threats?
Publication | Gender sidestreaming? Analysing gender mainstreaming in national militaries and international peacekeeping
Twenty years after the passing of Resolution 1325, the participation of women as military personnel in peacekeeping operations remains limited. Women currently comprise just under five per cent of military personnel in UN peacekeeping missions, and the UN consistently calls for more.
Welcome to the WIIS Netherlands blog!
President's Ponderings - March 2021
Welcome to the WIIS NL community! We are excited to be launching our newsletter in the week we celebrate International Women's Day.
Publication | Introduction: WPS 20 Years On: Where Are the Women Now?
To commemorate the twentieth anniversary of Resolution 1325, this introduction discusses the state of the field in the women peace and security (WPS) agenda and outlines the challenges to implementation. It begins by ntroducing the current gaps we see in WPS practice, many of which are driven by insufficient data and lack of funding. The section that follows provides a brief discussion of the global diffusion of the WPS agenda.
Where is the Caribbean in the Dutch WPS National Action Plan?
The team of WIIS-Netherlands exists out of the board members and the advisory council.
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Blog Post | Missed opportunities for the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda in Africa
The United Nations (UN) made history in October 2000 when Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) was unanimously adopted.