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Please note that SP2024 uses a two-step submission process with two separate deadlines; 20 December 2023 for the abstract and 12 January 2024 for the full paper. The abstract submission (or pre-submission) is needed for the program chairs to assign your submission to reviewers with matching expertise. Your paper will be evaluated by the reviewers.

Abstract submission

You are invited to submit a 200-word abstract with title via the EasyChair submission site by December 20, 2023, Anywhere on Earth

On the submission page (in EasyChair), authors need to: 

  1. Submit their information, title and abstract directly into the textboxes on the EasyChair submission page (i.e. do not upload a PDF file for abstract submission, this is only necessary for full paper submission);
  2. Identify one topic that they view as most relevant for their submission;
  3. Indicate their preference for an oral or a poster presentation;
  4. Indicate eligibility for student first-author presentation and paper award. 
  5. Indicate whether they want their submission to be considered for a special session. 


Please note: 

  1. Abstracts should not be changed after the abstract submission deadline. Minor revisions of abstracts will be possible once a paper is accepted. 
  2. Each successful submission will require a unique author registration. The registered author of a paper does not need to be the first author.  

Please confirm compliance with the ISCA Code of Ethics for Authors for any submission.


Paper submission

The deadline for submitting the full 4-page paper is January 7 (extended to January 12), 2024, Anywhere on Earth.

Please note that only those who have submitted an abstract by 20 December 2023 can complete their submission by submitting a full paper for review. 

Papers for the Speech Prosody 2024 proceedings should be up to 4 pages of text, with an additional page (maximum) for references only. Any paper with text on the 5th page other than references will be rejected. The conference will be conducted in English. Papers must be written in English. 

Papers are submitted via EasyChair. Each paper submission will be reviewed by 2-3 specialists in the area(s) to which it belongs.

Paper Preparation Guidelines
Speech Prosody 2024 follows the format used at previous ISCA conferences. Paper submissions must conform to the format defined in the paper preparation guidelines below and the provided Author’s kit. Note that Speech Prosody 2024 will use double-blind review and that authors should not include any author information in the file that they upload to EasyChair for review. 

Author’s Kit (LaTeX, MsWORD) can be downloaded here.

Paper Submission Procedure
On the submission page (in EasyChair), authors need to complete their submission by uploading their full paper as a PDF file. 

Please confirm compliance with the ISCA Code of Ethics for Authors for any submission.


Revision of accepted papers
Deadline:  15 April 2024, anywhere on earth

Authors of accepted papers need to upload a revised version of their paper to EasyChair to include the author information and may make revisions based on reviews. 

Final PDF
It is the author’s responsibility to ensure the correct format for the final paper. Paper submissions must be in PDF format. The PDF file should comply with the following requirements:
•    No password protection on the PDF file;
•    All fonts must be embedded;
•    The file must be ready for text search (i.e., CTRL-F can be used to find a common word in the text);
•    All authors must proofread their PDF file before submission and for accepted papers, authors must ensure their PDF file is ready for publication;
•    The proceedings editors will contact authors of non-complying papers to obtain a replacement, which needs to be submitted by the specified deadline;
•    To ensure no delay to conference proceedings, papers for which a replacement is not provided on time will be excluded from the SP2024 proceedings.


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