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In het academisch jaar 2023-2024 biedt het interdisciplinaire onderzoeksprogramma Sociale Veerkracht en Veiligheid vier vakken aan voor studenten die beginnen met het derde jaar van hun bachelor. Deze vakken zijn te volgen binnen de ruimte voor keuzevakken. Je kunt de vakken afzonderlijk als keuzevak volgen, of bij elkaar binnen de minor Violence Studies. De vakken zijn toegankelijk voor studenten uit diverse faculteiten. Hieronder vind je (Engelstalige) informatie over alle afzonderlijke vakken. Inschrijven is mogelijk vanaf 11 juli 2023!

Course 8910V001: Victims and Offenders of Violence (10 EC)

You will learn how we can explain violent victimization and offending: Who are these victims? And why did they become victimized? And: who are these offenders, how did they become offenders, and how can we best respond to violent offending?

View course information in the prospectus


Course 6478RTVY: Resilience to Violence (5 EC)

You will learn about the impact of violence on resilience later in life. What are the psychological effects of exposure to violence? How can we increase resilience after exposure to violence?

View course information in the prospectus

Course 8910V002: Collective Violence (10 EC)

Group violence is an issue that we come across again and again in current affairs, ranging from gang violence, to riots and hate crimes. Given its destructive nature, people often find collective violence difficult to understand. Why would a person join a violent group? How do groups that are normally non-violent become involved in violence?

View course information in the prospectus

Course 6478VBY: Violence and the Brain (5 EC)

This course will explore the complex neurobiology of violence, and take a whirlwind tour of the multifaceted factors and mechanisms that underlie interpersonal violence. Why do some parents abuse their children? What makes teenage gang members act out aggressively against others? What drives people to murder others? Is it nurture, or nature that ultimately determines such violent behaviors?

View course information in the prospectus

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