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Leiden University works close with Indonesian and Dutch scholarship providers in order to expand the opportunities for Indonesian students to study in Leiden.

About the Netherlands

The Netherlands or the Kingdom of the Netherlands consists of the Netherlands and six islands Aruba and Netherlands Antilles in the Caribbean Sea. The official name of this country is Nederland, which means 'a country that is in a low land', because most of the land is below or below the water level. The capital of the Netherlands is Amsterdam, while the center of government, and its monarchy is in the city of The Hague.

Today, the Netherlands is also known as 'Holland', a name that refers to two provinces located on the west coast, North and South Holland which were the most developed and richest parts during the 17th century.

Visa and residence permit

The Leiden University Admissions Office will apply for a visa (MVV) and your residence permit after you receive a letter of acceptance from Leiden University. Once your visa has been approved, you can take the visa at the Dutch Embassy in Jakarta. As for your residence permit, you can take care of it in the Immigration Department after you arrive in the Netherlands. 
Staff from the Leiden University International Program will provide step-by-step guidelines for procedures for visa applications and residence permits.


You must ensure that you are well protected during your stay in the Netherlands. 
According to regulations, you must have health insurance. However, it is also recommended to have liability insurance.


When you fill out an online application to Leiden University, you can register to book a rental residence / apartment. Leiden University allocates accommodation on a 'first come first serve' basis. The earlier you place an order to rent a place to live, the greater your chance to be offered a room and room that suits your preferences. 
The deadline for bookings for residences is June 1 for programs starting in September and November 15 for programs starting in February.

Indonesian scholarships

  • LPDP – for Master and PhD students. Leiden University is cooperating with LPDP to provide opportunities to Indonesian LPDP awardees to study in Leiden for a Master of PhD degree. Prospective master students should follow the regular application procedures and mention that they are awarded an LPDP scholarship (or in the process of applying for a LPDP scholarship. Prospective PhD students may wish to follow these procedures.
  • Ministry of Religious Affairs of Indonesia (KEMENAG) – scholars from Islamic universities and Islamic Institutes of Higher Education can apply for a PhD position at Leiden University. Procedures are on the PhD scholarship website.
  • The Ministry RISTEKDIKTI is offering scholarships in close cooperation with Leiden University. Announcements on a procedures for 2019 will be made shortly

Dutch/Leiden Scholarships

  • LExS Scholarship - is a scholarship program from Leiden University. The scholarship value in the form of tuition waivers that can be obtained depends on the selection assessment, as well as the availability of funds in each faculty.
  • Leiden Science Indonesia Scholarship - The Faculty of Science offers scholarships for Indonesian students who hold a relevant bachelor’s degree from one of the Indonesian science partner universities.
  • Erasmus International Credit Mobility scholarships for a semester at Leiden University Medical Center, including a ten week half minor.

Other opportunities

  • Grantfinder - is a scholarship search engine for study in the Netherlands, to facilitate the search for scholarships that suit you. 
  • Erasmus+ programme - helps organise student and doctoral candidate exchanges within Erasmus+ Programme countries and to and from Partner countries.
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