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International Symposium: Good Governance (1/2 ECTS)

In this study component, you get involved in the organisation of a symposium or a workshop, and in some cases, you can also contribute to it. The topic and content of these symposiums change annually, and usually there are multiple options.


Dr N. de Raedt and Dr D.P.H. Napolitano


09:45-10:00  Registration

10:00-10:15  Welcome

10:15-11:15  Sources
Minne De Boodt (KU Leuven)
Debating good governance. The added value of a cross-contextual analysis for the study of late medieval political thinking

Frederik Buylaert, Klaas Van Gelder, Kaat Capelle (Ghent University)
Comparing “good governance” in town and countryside: the evidence from Flanders, c. 1250-1550

David Napolitano (Utrecht University)
From mirrors-for-princes, over the podestà literature, to mirrors-for-magistrates: Preliminary explorations of three modern labels for medieval advice literature on rulership

11:15-12:15 Discussion


13:30-14:10   Methodology
Nele De Raedt (UCLouvain)
Mirrors for magistrates on building the city

Mats Dijkdrent (UCLouvain)
Architectural descriptions as mirrors for good  governance in sixteenth-century Antwerp

14:10-15:10 Discussion


15:30-16:10 Ideals and Comparison  
Giacomo Santoro (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa)
Magistratus virum ostendit: a perspective on good governance in the Republic of Siena, between pedagogy and government (1428-1456)

Vasileios Syros (Jawaharlal Nehru University & The Medici Archive Project)
Good governance and the city in early modern Italy and India  

16:10-17:00 Discussion


To attend, please register in advance by sending a message to nele.deraedt@uclouvain.be and d.p.h.napolitano@uu.nl

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