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Welcome to the website of ProParte, the association of professors at Leiden University, along with their spouses and partners. 

About ProParte

The association was founded under this name on 11 January 2017 as a merger of the Association of Professors (HOLEC) and the Association of Spouses and Partners of Professors (VROLEC) at Leiden University, both of  which were previously independent associations.
More information about the association and the board


ProParte aims to foster the bond between Leiden University and its professors, their spouses and partners, as well as maintaining and strengthening their bond with the University. The association achieves this aim by organising a wide range of activities for its members, as well as by providing financial support for projects that maintain special University heritage.  Further information on these activities  can be found on this website.

The board is very happy to receive comments and suggestions for future activities.