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Core members taskforce

Aside from the chair, project guidance and support, the taskforce also consists of a number of core members. These core members are also the chairs of several teams.


Prof. dr. Bastiaan Rijpkema (Director of Education Bachelor's Rechtsgeleerdheid, chair of team for the development of skills and interdisciplinarity)

Strategic Advisor:

Prof. dr. mr. Jan Adriaanse (Academic Director Tax Law & Economics)

Core members:

Mr. dr. Rogier Kegge (Chair of team for enriching and activating education & blended faculty)
Prof. dr. mr. Simone van der Hof (Co-chair of team for enriching and activating education & blended faculty)
Mr. Stijn Voskamp (Chair of the team for study guidance & matching)
Prof. dr. mr. Vanessa Mak (Chair of the team for elective credits fifth semester & connecitng degree programmes and labour market)
Dr. mr. Danielle Chevalier (Chair of team for diversity and inclusion)
Mr. dr. drs. Ellen Gijselaar (Chair of team for quality assurance education)
Mr. dr. Daniella Dam (Chair team graduation)
Prof. dr. mr. Armin Cuyvers (Co-chair team graduation)
Drs. Niels van de Ven (Head of Education and Student Affairs)
Mw. Hannah Saberi (Student Assessor)
Mw. Emma Engelen (student member Education Board)

Project guidance & support:

Nard Willemse (Project manager )
Lotte van Kesteren (Educational expert)
Michèle van Beek (Marketing & Communication)
Erik Kien (Operational Management)
Britt Polman (S
tudent assistant implementation Kernvisie)

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