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Persons behind the programme: meet Anne van Someren

It is hard to meet people during these times: random chats at coffee machines, elevators or desks very rarely occur. To mend this gap a bit, we would like to introduce you to a few people behind the programme, as we do on our Instagram page (follow @ba.internationalstudies). Meet Anne van Someren (32), who is a Student affairs Officer at International Studies and Urban Studies since 2019.

Anne: what do you do on a normal working day? 
I work at the Education Administration Office, on a normal working day I will answer emails of students, for example about their timetable, grades, courses etc. The rest very much depends on the time of the academic year. I also process grades, I am involved with the graduation, I make the surveys for course enrolment, enrol students for courses, make evaluations of courses, and so much more! 

With what questions can students come to you for help? 
Students come to me and my colleagues for help with all specific questions about the BA International Studies or Urban Studies, you can email us at: osz-admin-thehague@hum.leidenuniv.nl. 

What do you like most about your job/working at International Studies?  
Most of all I like contact with students, it makes me happy when I am able to help them. Unfortunately, we are unable to meet at the Student Information Desk in Wijnhaven because of COVID 19. I miss interacting in person very much. Hopefully we will be back at the desk soon! 

What is something about you, that most people wouldn't expect? 
I studied psychology. At the beginning of a course during my studies, we did a little game to get to know each other. We needed to form pairs, and we were asked to describe each other based on our first impressions.  The girl I paired up with, described me as someone who probably liked partying, shopping, listening to pop music, going on beach holidays and someone who enjoys drinking cocktails. Well, that’s not me haha! Although I might look like that person, I much prefer going to a pub over partying, listening to alternative music over pop music and I would much rather go on an active or cultural holiday than on a beach holiday. Finally, I prefer a beer over a cocktail. So cheers! I  hope to meet you soon again at the Information Desk in Wijnhaven! 

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