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This page features an overview of relevant lectures, publications and conference papers.


Grasseni C. (2023), Crafting Futures through Cheese-Making in Val Taleggio (Northern Italy), Gastronomica. The Journal for Food Studies (2023) 23 (1): 51–64.

Grasseni, C., De Musso, F., Gracjasz, O., Smith, R., Vasile, M., Walstra, V. 2023. Reskilling for sustainability: A perspective from comparative ethnography on collective food procurement, Kritisk etnografi – Swedish Journal of Anthropology VOL. 5, NO. 1-2.

Vasile, M. 2023. Building networks for sustainability? Food surplus redistribution, non-profit organisations and neoliberalism in Turin, Italy, Kritisk etnografi – Swedish Journal of Anthropology VOL. 5, NO. 1-2.

Grasseni C. (2023), Skill, craft, and poiesis-intensive innovationFormAkademisk 16(4).

Grasseni C. (23 October 2023), Groenboerenplan: a plan for the future from green farmers. Food Citizens?. [blog entry].

Grasseni C (2023), Ethnographic Responsibility. : replies to Herzfeld (Anthropology Today 39[3]), Anthropology Today 39(6): 24.

Vasile M. & Grasseni C. (2 January 2023), Restitution workshop in Turin: Maria Vasile and Cristina Grasseni have presented the results of Maria’s ethnography in Turin. [blog entry].

Vasile M. (2023), The silenced paradoxes of urban renewal: morality, welfare reconfiguration and precarious labour in Collective Food Procurement in Turin. Doctoral thesis, Leiden University.

Grasseni C. (2022), More than visual: the apprenticeship of skilled visions, Ethos. Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.

Grasseni C. & De Musso F. (2022) co-editorship Anthrovision issue: Collaboration Mediation and Comparison, Anthrovision Vol 8.1, 2020.

Walstra V. (2022), Picturing the Group: Combining Photo-elicitation and Focus Group Methods, Anthrovision Vol 8.1, 2020.

De Musso F. (2022), Circular Digital Relations, Anthrovision Vol 8.1, 2020.

Vasile M. & Grasseni C. (2022), Visions of the Urban Green; Interrogating Urban Renewal in Turin’s Periphery, Anthrovision Vol 8.1, 2020.

Gracjasz A. (2022) Combining Two Disciplines; The Perspective of an Anthropologist-photographer and Reflections on the Photo camera as a Tool for Mediation, Anthrovision Vol 8.1, 2020.

Grasseni C. (2022), Collaboration, Mediation and Comparison; Epistemological Tools from Theory-driven Fieldwork Practice, Anthrovision Vol 8.1, 2020.

Vasile M. (2022), Book Review. Review of: Susana Narotzky (ed.) (2020) Grassroots Economies. Living with Austerity in Southern Europe, Interface: A Journal for and about Social Movements 13(2): 543-545

Grasseni C. (2022), Re-tooling craft, Etnográfica : 23-28.

Gracjasz, A. 2022. Cyrkularność pomysłów i idei zrównoważonego rozwoju – perspektywa antropologiczna a jedzenie, Formy 14. [Circularity of ideas and sustainable development - an anthropological perspective on food]

Grasseni C. (2022), From branding to solidarity: the COVID-19 impact on marketing Strachítunt cheese from Val Taleggio, Italy, Acta geographica Slovenica 62(2): 75-85.

De Musso F. (2021), Interactive Documentaries. In: Grasseni C., Barendregt B., Maaker E. de, De Musso F., Littlejohn A., Maeckelbergh M., Postma M. & Westmoreland M. R. (red.) Audiovisual and Digital Ethnography; A Practical and Theoretical Guide. London: Routledge. 143-167.

Grasseni C. (2021), Learning to see. In: Grasseni C., Barendregt B., Maaker E. de, De Musso F., Littlejohn A., Maeckelbergh M., Postma M. & Westmoreland M. R. (red.) Audiovisual and Digital Ethnography; A Practical and Theoretical Guide. London: Routledge. 12-34.

Grasseni C., Barendregt B., Maaker E. de, De Musso F., Littlejohn A.L., Maeckelbergh M.E., Postma M.A. & Westmoreland M.R. (2021), Audiovisual and digital ethnography: a practical and theoretical guide. London: Routledge.

Vasile M. & Cruz F. Thomé da (2021), Construção de identidade, capacitação mútua e negociação política em uma feira de agricultores/as: o caso da feira ecológica do Menino Deus em Porto Alegre/rs [Identity-construction, mutual enskilment and political negotiation at the farmers’ market] (translation: Vasile M. & Thomé da Cruz F.). In: Souza Mendonça Menezes S. de & Almeida M.G. de (Eds.) Vamos às feiras!: Cultura e ressignificação dos circuitos curtos. Aracaju, SE: Criação Editora. 214-236.

Büscher B., Feola G., Fischer A., Fletcher R., Gerber J.-F., Harcourt W., Koster M., Schneider M., Scholtens J., Spierenburg M.J., Walstra V.R. & Wiskerke H. (2021), Planning for a world beyond COVID-19: five pillars for post-neoliberal developmentWorld Development 140: 105357.

Grasseni C. (2021), Italian cheese in the global heritage arena. In: Steffan Igor Ayora-Diaz (Ed.) The Cultural Politcs of Food, Taste and Identity: A Global Perspective, chapter 5,  73-85, UK : Bloomsbury Academic.

Walstra V. (2021), Digging into soil, the senses, and society in Utrecht. In: Edwards F, Gerritsen R & Wesser G. (Eds.) Food, Senses and the City. Routledge Studies in Food, Society and the Environment no. 38 London: Routledge. 29-39.

Grasseni C. (2020), Context-specific notions and practices of ‘solidarity’ in food procurement networks in Lombardy (Italy) and Massachusetts (USA), in: Kropp, C.; Antoni-Komar, I.; Sage, C. (Eds.) Food System Transformations Social Movements, Local Economies, Collaborative Networks, chapter 9, 158-174, no. 21 London: Routledge.

Smith R. (2020), An anthropological reflection on urban gardening through the lens of citizenship, in: Kropp, C.; Antoni-Komar, I.; Sage, C. (Eds.) Food System Transformations Social Movements, Local Economies, Collaborative Networks, chapter 11, 198-210 no. 21 London: Routledge.

Gracjasz A. & Grasseni C. (2020), Food-gifting in Gdańsk: between food not bombs and the food bank, Ethnologia Polona 41: 33-50.

Grasseni C. (2020), Direct food provisioning: collective food procurement, in: J. K. Gibson-Graham & Kelly Dombroski (ed.), The Handbook of Diverse Economies, chapter 24, 223-229, Edward Elgar Publishing.

Viola M. & Vasile M. (2020) From recipe to collective improvisation. An ethnographic vignette about food assistance in Barriera di Milano, Turin. Losquaderno, 56, 43-46

Smith, R. (2020). Contesting the Social ContractSocial Analysis64(2), 79-100

Makovicky N., & Smith R. (2020). IntroductionSocial Analysis64(2), 1-17.

Smith R. & Grasseni C. (2020), Ambivalent solidarities: Food governance reconfigurations in Croatia and Italy, Anthropology Today 36(1): 12-16


Grasseni C. (2019), Afterword. In: Klein, J.A.; Watson, J.L. (Eds.) The Handbook of Food and Anthropology .: Bloomsbury Publishing. 459-466.

Grasseni C. & Gieser T. (2019), Introduction: Skilled mediationsSocial Anthropology 27(1): 6-16.

Grasseni C. & Gieser T. (2019), Response to Rupert CoxSocial Anthropology 27(1): 65 - 66.

Grasseni C. (2019). ‘Grassroots responsible innovation initiatives in short food supply chains’, in Localising Global Food: Short food supply chains as responses to agri-food system challenges ed. by Agni Kalfagianni and Sophia Skordili, Routledge, pp. 41-54.

Grasseni C. & Contessi S. (2019). ‘Co-producing Participatory Guarantee Systems’, in Solidarity and Reciprocity in Times of Crisis, ed. by P. Simonic., Liubljana University, pp. 45-56.

Vasile M. & Thomé da Cruz F. (2019), Identity-construction, mutual enskilment and political negotiation at the farmers' market, Revista do Desenvolvimento Regional 24(1): 212-226.

Grasseni C  (2018), Understanding skill, food and fieldInterdisciplinary Science Reviews 43(3-4): 264-279.

Grasseni C. (2018), Food Citizenship? Collective Food Procurement in European CitiesEuropeNow (20).

Grasseni C. (2018), Grassroots responsible innovation initiatives in short food supply chains. In: Kalfagianni A., Skordil Si (Eds.) Localising Global Food: Short Food Supply Chains as Responses to Agri-food System Challenges: Routledge. 41-54.

Smith R.E. (2018), An economy of trust: chains of debts and favours in rural Istrian business relationshipsJournal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford 10(1): 1-21.

Smith R.  2018. ‘In food we trust’, Instituut Culturele Antropologie (2): pp. 15-17.

Grasseni C. (2017), Ecologies of Belonging and the Mugshot Aesthetics, Anthrovision 5(2)

Lectures and Presentations

De Musso, F. “Food security in High Income Countries - Research Generation Workshop”, University of Birmingham, September 2023

Grasseni, C. Exploring Food Citizenship, 2023 Summer Radcliffe Fellows’ Presentation Series, Harvard Radcliffe Institute, July 2023.

Grasseni, C. Oltre l’alpeggio. Guest lecture in Environmental anthropology, Milan State University, April 2023.

Walstra, V.R. “Bottom-up food initiatives and state-led gentrification”. Guest lecture at Erasmus School of Law, Criminoloy, Erasmus University Rotterdam, February 9 2023.

Vasile, M., Ph.D. dissertation defense. Morality, welfare reconfiguration and precarious labour in Collective Food Procurement in Turin’. Leiden University, September 6, 2023.

Grasseni, C. Royal Anthropological Institute, London. Book presentation of The Heritage Arena (2017). October 2022.

Grasseni, C. Keynote: Practicing Solidarity for the Future. SOLIDARAN (Solidarity economy) conference, Zagreb University, September 22.

De Musso, F. “Digitally mediated collaboration”, VirtualOtherwise22 panel ‘Disjunction and Reverberation’, DAY THREE (upenn.edu), Society for Visual Anthropology/Society for Cultural Anthropology Conference, Online, June 2022

Grasseni C. De Musso F. Gracjasz O. Vasile M. Walstra V. February 2022. Food Citizens? Conference, Leiden University.

Grasseni C. Gracjasz O. Vasile M. Walstra V. January 2022. Team presentation at Research Seminar of Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology, Leiden University.

Grasseni, C. “Intimacy at scale. Food sovereignty through cheese.” Beyond Terroir: Situating Food, Place and Taste in Cross-cultural Comparison. A SOAS Food Studies Centre workshop, December 12-13 2022.

Vasile, M. “Trasformazioni urbane, del welfare e del lavoro a Torino. Un’analisi a partire dallo studio dell’approvvigionamento collettivo del cibo”. Food Citizens? Restitution Workshop, Community Center Cecchi Point, Turin, November 21 2022.

Vasile, M. "Frammentazioni urbane: trasformazioni dello spazio, del welfare e del lavoro a Torino. Un’analisi a partire dallo studio dell’approvvigionamento collettivo del cibo”. Class lecture, Percorso di Eccellenza sulle Eredità Culturali a.a. 2022-2023: Frammentazioni. Università degli Studi Firenze, Dipartimento di Storia, Archeologia, Geografia, Arte e Spettacolo. Florence, November 14 2022.

De Musso, F. and Grasseni, C. “Work-in-Progress seminar at the Center of Multimodal and Audio-Visual Methods (ReCNTR)”, Leiden University, June 16 2022.

Vasile, M. and Gracjasz A. 2022. "Between public engagement and care work: women in Collective Food Procurement”. Paper presented at the Feminist Anthropology Conference: Transforming knowledge: Inhabiting awkwardness, Donostia San Sebastián, June 8-10 2022. 

Walstra, V.R. Food Citizens?”. Guest lecture in Sociologie en de stad Rotterdam, Hogeschool Rotterdam, March 31 2022.

Grasseni C. November 2021. Project presentation to the Research Team Institutions for Collective Action. Erasmus University Rotterdam Online.

Grasseni C. October 2021. Project presentation at Future Food Utrecht, Utrecht University. Online.

Grasseni C. & Walstra V. October 2021. Talk Show Boer&Burger dialogen, Voedsel 4 Daagse Dordrecht.

De Musso, F. “Vision Expanded: Using Multimodal Research Designs to Empirically Situate Technologies of Vision”, Society for Social Studies of Science Conference (Toronto and Online), October 2021

De Musso F. September 2021. Research Seminar of Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology, Leiden University: “Of Wine and Ovines: Livelihood and Diversity at the foot of the Pyrenees”. 

Grasseni C. June 2021. Paper presentation "The role of citizens in innovative food supply chains. Work-in-progress results from the Food Citizens project." Conference [Re-]Territorializing Agriculture. Between the Promotion of Local Products and Trade in Europe. Louvain-la-Neuve.

De Musso F. June 2021. Paper presentation “Between Sheep Territory and Wine Terroir, perspectives on territoriality from the Pyrenees” Conference [Re-]Territorializing Agriculture. Between the Promotion of Local Products and Trade in Europe. Louvain-la-Neuve.

Grasseni C. June 2021. Plenary Opening Session, Conference of the Italian Geographical Society: ‘Geography and Food: spaces, places, landscapes, regions, and territories of food’.  Online. University of Turin.

Vasile M. June 2021. “Visions and practices of urban regeneration and food production: insights from an urban gardening project in Turin”, Panel Cibo e trasformazioni urbane. La prospettiva della foodification, Conference of the Italian Geographical Society: ‘Geography and Food: spaces, places, landscapes, regions, and territories of food’.  Online. University of Turin.

Grasseni C. April 2021. Keynote speaker at the National Dialogue on ‘food as a key factor for a healthy planet’. Online. Voedsel Anders.

Grasseni C. April 2021. Project presentation, Livable Planet – Livable Communities priority research cluster. Online, Leiden University.

C. Grasseni. September 2020 – Invited Paper ‘Sharing (food) is caring?’ in the ERC-convened panel Sharing is caring? Can Local Practice Turn into Transformative Change into a Collaborative Economy?, European Science Open Forum (ESOF) 2020 (Online, Trieste).  

Grasseni C. February 2020. Conference coordination and moderation Strachitunt: Risorsa per la famiglia e valore per il territorio, Bergamo, Italy.

Grasseni C. February 2020. ‘Food Citizens? Collective food procurement in European cities: solidarity and diversity, skills and scale’. Invited talk, The Centre for Space, Place and Society Seminar, Wageningen University.

De Musso F. February 2020. “Between Wine and Ovine: Challenges and successes among small entrepreneurs in the Catalan Pyrnees”. Conference presentation. Strachitunt: Risorsa per la famiglia e valore per il territorio, Bergamo, Italy.

De Musso F. February 2020. “Scarce Subsidies, Uncertain Futures”. Conference presentation COCA 2020 (Conference of Catalan Anthropology) Tarragona, Spain.


Grasseni C. September 2019. Invited conference presentation, Polish Sociological Association, ‘Me, Us, Them? Subjectivitiy, Identity, Belonging’ Wroclaw, Poland.

Grasseni C. June 2019. Invited Conference Pitch: ‘We Make the City: Seeing through Food’, Amsterdam.

Grasseni C. May 2019. Keynote Lecture: ‘Food in the Heritage Arena’, Cambridge Heritage Symposium Cooking Identities & Tasting Memories: The Heritage of Food. Cambridge University, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research.

Grasseni C. March 2019. Invited Keynote ‘Shaping the food future of the Amsterdam Metropolitan Region’, Pakhuis de Zwijger Amsterdam.

Grasseni C. March 2019. ‘Urban Food Procurement and Social Expectations: An Agenda for Comparative Analysis’, International Symposium,  Making Food in Human and Natural History, 18–20 March 2019 National Museum of Ethnology Osaka, Japan. Invited paper.

Gracjasz A. January 2019. 'Food Citizens? Collective food procurement in European cities: solidarity and diversity, skills and scale. Case study of Gdańsk.’ Seminar presentation at Warsaw University, Warsaw.

Grasseni C. December 2018. Food Citizens? Collective food procurement in European cities: solidarity and diversity, skills and scale Invited talk at University of Oslo Department of Social Anthropology Research Seminar, Oslo.

Grasseni C. June 2018: Rethinking Skilled Visions: ethnographic perspectives on skill and solidarity in food activismInvited talk at the University of Gothenburg School of Global Studies Higher Seminar, Gothenburg.

Grasseni C. &  Smith, R. May 2018. Solidarity, Advice and Care in urban/rural food reconfigurations in Italy and Croatia. Invited conference paper at LSE/ESRC ‘Precarious states. Advice, governance and care in settings of austerity.

Vasile M. April 2018. Agricoltori e governance del sistema alimentare locale. Il caso di Porto Alegre, Brasile. [Family farmers and governance of the local food system. The case of Porto Alegre, Brazil] Conference presentation at ‘Storie del Possibile’, Rome. 

Vasile, M. September 2018. “Identity-construction, mutual enskilment and political negotiation at the farmers’ market,.” Conference paper presented at Agriculture and Food in an urbanising society III. Porto Alegre, Brazil

Vasile M. December 2018. "We want to be part of the broader project". Family farmers and local food governance in Porto Alegre, Brazil” Seminar at the University of Turin, Turin.

Walstra, V. August 2018. Reinventing urban agriculture: Experiencing the senses at the Koningshof in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Conference paper presented at EASA conference ‘Staying, Moving Settling’, Stockholm.

Smith R.E. December 2018.Chains of debt: winemaking families and predatory business practices, contribution to ‘Household and personal debt: international perspectives,’ Roundtable at the Department of Anthropology, the London School of Economics (LSE), London.

Smith R.E. December. 2018. Chains of debt and the politics of liquidity in Croatia’s agribusiness sector,  Conference paper presented at ‘Corporate lives after socialism: theory and ethnography’, at the Association of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, Boston, MA.

Smith R.E. August 2018.  Wine is alive: Istrian cosmologies of winemaking. Conference paper presented at EASA conference ‘Staying, Moving Settling’, Stockholm.

Grasseni C. November 2017. Norms and alternatives: experimentations with collective food procurement. Keynote Lecture at the Annual Meeting of the Swiss Anthropological Association, Neuchatel.

Grasseni C. 30 October 2017. Ecology of vision and economy of citizenship: an anthropological perspective. Inaugural address at Leiden University, Leiden. 

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