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Food Citizens? project presented at the Harvard Radcliffe Institute

As part of the Radcliffe Summer Fellowship program 2023.

Every year, the Harvard Radcliffe Institute offers previous fellows the possibility of renewing their connection by participating in a Summer Fellowship Program. This year’s summer Radcliffe Fellows included, amongst others, the historian of mathematical cultures Karine Chemla, the Director of Public Interest Technology at University of Massachusetts Amherst, Francine Berman, and computer scientist Tawanna Dillahunt, an information scientist who researched, amongst others, online grocery delivery services in transportation-scarce areas as an opportunity to address food disparities in the Detroit metropolitan area.

As summer fellow, Cristina Grasseni has enjoyed a quiet time on Radcliffe yard to work at her monograph (in preparation) Exploring Food Citizenship, based on her longitudinal fieldwork with Dutch allotment gardeners (2020-23) and comparative ethnography of solidarity economy networks in Lombardy (Italy) and Massachusetts (2011-14), as well as reconnecting with colleagues and friends in the Massachusetts’ solidarity economy networks – such as the Wellspring Cooperative and Global Village Farms.

The Summer Fellowship Program includes weekly fellows’ talks during which Cristina presented the Food Citizens? i-doc, reflecting with other Radcliffe fellows on ethnographic comparison, the methodology at the core of the project. The seminar took place in Fay House on July 5th, 2023.

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