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OSCoffee: The psychology of biases, and how they influence us as scholars

Tuesday 7 November 2023
An open OSCoffee for anyone to join!


The psychology of biases, and how they influence us as scholars

In this OSCoffee, Zsuzsika Sjoerds will help us delve into the domain of cognitive biases and explore the influence they have on our work as scholars. We discuss how biases shape our scientific journey, from hypothesis formation to data interpretation, and learn why awareness and mitigation are crucial to adopt a more objective and open scholarship. This talk is a preview for the Fall of Bias workshop that YAL organizes in collaboration with OSCL on November 30th at 11:00. There are still spots for the Fall of Bias, register here.

There is no prior knowledge or expertise required to join this OSCoffee, open to all!


To join this meeting you can do two things:
1. For Leiden affiliated: Join the OSCL Teams, and navigate to the 'Open Science Coffee Leiden' channel; there you can join the live meeting. You can then also check-out the rest of the OSCL channels and interesting discussions of members. If you also become a member of OSCL, you can opt in to receive our newsletter and other interesting updates, and you will get a member profile, so other members can find you and see your interests in Open Science
2. Directly join the meeting on from 15:00 by clicking this link.


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