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OSCoffee: Introducing the Leiden Academia in Motion programme

Thursday 4 May 2023
An open OSCoffee for anyone to join!


Introducing the Leiden Academia in Motion programme - Embracing Open Science and Recognition & Rewards


Leiden University is investing in various programmes to support and facilitate the change towards Open Science, and the recognition and rewards that go hand in hand with this cultural change. Some refer to these programs as ‘the best kept secret of Leiden University’, but together with you – the Open Science Community Leiden – we will further substantiate these changes and make all that is being done more visible. In this OS coffee, Leiden University’s OS coordinator Karlijn Hermans will discuss the action lines and initiatives within our university wide Open Science programme, which, together with the Recognition & Rewards programme, is part of Academia in Motion. For the OSCL, Karlijn is our link with the university’s policy on these matters.

In a recent interview, she gives us a sneak peak of the topics she will discuss in during this online event.

Questions that will be discussed are, for instance: 

What is your experience with implementing open practices? What motivates you to want to know more? What does this movement mean for your daily work and how can you be involved? How is the Open Science Community Leiden, with our bottom-up perspectives, connected to central policy?

Let's have an open and constructive discussion in how we can get our Leiden academia in motion towards an open, transparent and collaborative research culture with a positive impact on science and society. 

There is no prior knowledge or expertise required to join this OSCoffee, open to all!


To join this meeting you can do two things:
1. For Leiden affiliated: Join the OSCL Teams, and navigate to the 'Open Science Coffee Leiden' channel; there you can join the live meeting. You can then also check-out the rest of the OSCL channels and interesting discussions of members. If you also become a member of OSCL, you can opt in to receive our newsletter and other interesting updates, and you will get a member profile, so other members can find you and see your interests in Open Science
2. Directly join the meeting on from 14:00 by clicking this link.


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