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Visual Culture (5 ECTS - FULL)

This course deals with a variety of aspects of medieval visual culture: the ‘grammar’ of visual representation; how to ‘read’ medieval images in their written, oral or cultural context; how to search for representations of a specific topic; its historiography (including the ‘minor arts’) and the importance of ‘auxiliary sciences’ such as costume history and heraldry. This course not only aims at participants with an art historical background, but also encourages participation from other fields of study where the study of visual aspects, as an extra carefully studied source, can add new perspectives. NB: This course is full. You can sign up for the spare list. If any spaces open up, we'll notify you.


Dr M. Meuwese (Utrecht): M.L.Meuwese1@uu.nl

Course schedule

Week 1 [8 March]: Visual Communication

Week 2 [15 March]: Identity – Costume

Week 3 [22 March]: Identity – Heraldry

Week 4 no meeting [Good Friday]

Week 5 [5 April] manuscript excursion to the Royal Library, The Hague

Week 6 [12 April] Student presentations of paper topics [session may be longer]

Week 7 [19 April] no meeting Submit your paper


To register, please send an email to: ozsmed@hum.leidenuniv.nl.

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