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Medieval Latin (5 ECTS)

The course trains medieval historians, art historians and literary historians in the practical reading of all sorts of source texts/source text types written in medieval Latin.


dr. R. Flierman (University of Utrecht): r.flierman@uu.nl

Course schedule

Period: May-June 2022; weekly class of 3 hours, followed by an exam.

Registration form

Required for participation: knowledge of Latin Grammar at introductory level. In case of questions you can always contact the course co-ordinator.






E-mail address:


RMA or PhD-student:

RMA/PhD (please delete what is not applicable)

Level of Latin:(acquired through secondary education or otherwise)


Kind(s) of texts that you have a specific interest in:


Preferred language of communication:

English/Dutch (please select)

Other remarks: (optional)



Please fill in the form (by copying and pasting it into a word document) and send it to ozsmed@hum.leidenuniv.nl

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