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Photo: Anna Loh


The MCS research group members and their research are closely affiliated with the two Leiden master’s tracks in Museum Studies offered at the Art History and Archaeology departments.

Master's specialisations

Heritage and Museum Studies (MA)

Archaeologists have encountered various forms of cultural continuity in all parts of the world. This living heritage offers incredible opportunities for innovative research. 
More about this study programme

Museums and Collections (MA)

The master’s specialisation in Museum and Collections introduces students to the ethical, political and practical dilemmas facing museums today. 
More about this study programme


Summer School on museums and collections

In collaboration with the LDE Centre for Global Heritage and Development, a Summer School on museums and collections is organised in Leiden, The Hague, Delft, and Rotterdam. 

Things that talk...

Thingsthattalk.net brings education and research closer together. Students actively participate in this project, they acquire (digital) research skills and learn to collaborate with social partners. Ten Humanities' study programmes want to incorporate the new platform in their curriculum in the new academic year and will work with students to enrich and utilise the platform. 

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