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PRINS: Creating practical impact for The World Food Programme

In our third year course Practicing International Studies, our student consultant tackle real life issues brought to them by organisations and businesses, but what happens with the work of student consultants after PRINS? Read about the World Food programme Case and check the YouTube Video below!

How Broadband Internet can be used to fight hunger

The mobile Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping (mVAM) team of the World Food Programme asked our students for creative ideas on how broadband internet can be used to estimate food needs in hunger-prone communities in the DRC, Honduras, and Nepal.

Our now alumni & team leaders Tuva Schroder (PRINS team Food Fighters) Puck van Eijk (PRINS team Connect2Provide) and Tilla Solli (PRINS team Creating Access to Food) got to present their team's solutions on mVAM Tube! The teams considered chat bots, gender inequality, illiteracy and indigenous communities in their country specific recommendations.

Thank you Jean-Martin Bauer and World Food Programme for the opportunity to supply novel, useful ideas for improving food security monitoring.

Check out the YouTube video here.

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