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EA & SSEA Night Talk: Dealing with Decoupling from China - Business Strategies in a Changing World

Tuesday 9 April 2024
Turfmarkt 99
2511DP The Hague

About the Event

The event is a lecture by Professor Frank Pieke to discuss the findings of a research project, written by the professor and Bert Hofman. The research is part of the Leiden Asia Centre (Netherlands) and the East Asian Institute (Singapore) and researches the extent and impact of economic decoupling from China.

The project focuses on how companies can maintain a productive and advantageous relationship with China without excessive dependence on and vulnerability to domestic changes in China. The project includes interviews with 60 companies from the Netherlands, Singapore, Japan, and Germany.

The research highlights the growing constraints while doing business in China due to political considerations and strategic risks. In particular, the increasing tensions between China and the United States have significant implications for foreign companies trading with or investing in China. 


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