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Masterclass: Inclusive leadership for Depolarisation

Inclusive leaders create welcoming environments where everyone can be themselves. However, polarisation poses a major challenge. This way of thinking promoting simplistic 'us vs. them' thinking. In this three-days masterclass, we explore the causes and impact of social polarisation and improve your skills for engaging in dialogue with individuals whose views differ from your own.

Depolarisation for Inclusive Leadership

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The first two days cover the concepts of polarisation and depolarisation from various fields including: anthropology,  political science, computer science and psychology. The masterclass will be led by depolarisation expert Dr.  Maja Nenadovic and our Senior Programme lead in Diversity and Inclusion, Dr. Kate Kirk.  There will be keynotes from computer scientist Dr. Cynthia Liem over the role of AI in polarisation and political scientist Dr. Femke Bakker on the role contemplative practices can play in depolarisation.  Participants will engage in practical exercises in small groups, enjoying a serene natural setting. Then, they will develop plans to apply their learning in their own organisations.

On the third day, at our historic  university building  in Den Haag, participants will practice their depolarisation skills with actors. Professor Marieke van den Brink  will also share strategies for managing resistance and polarisation in Diversity and Inclusion policies.


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Polarisation is one of the greatest challenges facing humanity today. It is characterised by black-and-white thinking, reducing the multiplicity of social differences to a few dimensions of us and them. This arises from the misunderstanding that individuals and groups can be completely separate and opposite. (Social) media can reinforce polarisation by emphasising perceived characteristics of being different.

  • Kate Kirk Senior programmaleider
  • Dr. Maja Nenadovic Coach, public speaker, consultant and scientist Non-profit/NGO
  • Dr. Cynthia Liem Associate Professor at the Multimedia Computing Group TU Delft
  • Dr. Femke Bakker Assistant professor in Political Science Leiden University
  • Prof. Dr. Marieke van den Brink Gender & Diversity Radboud University

Inclusive leadership requires cognitive flexibility, opening the mind and heart to nuanced perspectives, and embracing our shared humanity. In depolarizing social discussions, we can connect with people whose opinions differ from our own, while remaining connected to our own feelings, needs and values.

The masterclass is designed for professionals working in diverse environments, preferably with some knowledge on Diversity and Inclusion.  This course is taught in English, so it is important that you have at least (Cambridge) 'Business English, B2' and preferably 'Business English C1 or C2 level'. Are you unsure if your English is sufficient? Or do you lack experience in the field of diversity and inclusion? Please contact us, we can answer any questions you may have and decide if this course is the right fit.

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For questions about this masterclass, please contact Kate from the Centre for Professional Learning:

E: learning@fgga.leidenuniv.nl
T: 070 800 9504

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