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Join the Open Science Community Leiden

Join the OSCL community to share your experience and learn more from others at Leiden University

All Leiden University employees and students can join the OSCL. Community members have an OSCL profile page displaying the Open Science expertise they are willing to share and the specific Open Science knowledge they want to acquire. This makes it easy to see who you can contact within or outside of your department for questions related to specific Open Science topics. If you want to contribute to the OSCL in other ways, contact us with ideas, comments, and resources you can contribute (like time, money, promotion activities, etc.), we are open to anything!

Please note: Joining an Open Science community does *not* involve openly committing to open science practices or anything of that kind. Also, you don't have to have any experience with Open Science. The OSCL is all about gaining and sharing knowledge and know-how. No strings attached!

The fields below will be used to build your OSCL profile.  You will get notified via email when your profile has been build on the member page (this may take several days). When becoming a member, we will add you to our Teams channels so you’re up to date with events happening there. You can always opt out of these channels. On some systems, the fields below may not show properly, please then use this instead. 

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