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Submission process

Inter-Section is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal. This means that the submission process involves a number of steps to assess the quality of the published material. The process, from the submission of a proposal until the final publication of the manuscript, takes on average six months. This does not mean that you will be writing for six months but the writing, reworking of the manuscript combined with waiting for feedback from the editors and peer reviewers usually takes several months.

The first step is to find a professor in the faculty who will support you in the submission process. Then, complete the Proposal Submission Form. The proposals are reviewed by the members of the Editorial Board, who will make a decision whether a proposal qualifies for the next step in the publication process, or whether revision of the proposal is needed.

If the proposal has been accepted, you will be invited to submit a manuscript. Make sure you have followed the Manuscript Submission Guidelines before submitting your manuscript. We only accept complete and final manuscripts. Manuscripts that are incomplete or that are not submitted in the right format will require further revision. After submitting your manuscript, the editorial board will decide if it is ready for peer-review. If the manuscript is not deemed ready by the editorial board, the editors will ask the author to submit a revised manuscript. In order to prevent rejection, frequent discussions with your faculty staff reference before submission are highly recommended.

The Editorial Board will consult their Advisory Committee to find an appropriate peer-reviewer in the specific field of study. This reviewer advises the Editorial Board to accept, revise, or reject the manuscript (following the Peer-Review Form), after which the board informs the applicants of their decisions. Besides a review of the overall quality of the article, the peer-review is set up in a way that it also provides direct feedback to the author.

Manuscripts that require revisions are sent back to the author who re-submits the edited manuscript before the second manuscript deadline (this will be communicated with the author). After final submissions, the Editorial Board will determine whether the author has made the required adjustments and inform the author of the final decision.

If your manuscript has been accepted for publication, CONGRATULATIONS! The board composes a draft version of the journal which is then sent out for formatting. All contributing authors will receive a pdf version of their article and are encouraged to distribute it within their personal network and on social media. A complete pdf version of each journal will be published on this website and broadly advertised.

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