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About 50g (fresh weight) of each of the 2271 specimens collected was extracted. It resulted in 200ml crude extract, of which 100ml was cleaned from, sugars, fatty acids, bio-polymers, salts, amino acids and tannins. The crude extract is stored in bottles at minus 80˚C and a, small, part in 96-well plates with removable tubes. The cleaned extracts are stored in bottles at minus 80˚C and a, small, part in 384-well plates. 

The extracts are available for screening by external parties. A screening may be ad random, or directed to specific specimens. You may ask more information and discuss the, tailor-made, conditions of use with the business developer.  

We have data of various specimens with respect to, metabolomics profiling, common use, edibility, bio-activity, toxicity and legal issues like IP and international treaties. In addition, we have data of previous, initial, screenings (see screening).  

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