Biomedical Sciences (MSc)


Discover the world at Leiden University

In this master programme you learn interdisciplinary approaches to address scientific and societal challenges in the field of (bio)medical sciences. The research in our programme Biomedical Sciences relates to the maintenance of health and prevention of disease. You will acquire a skill set suitable for a wide range of career opportunities not only in (biomedical) research, but also in industry, policy making, communication or education.

Application deadlines October 15th, 2014 and April 1st, 2025

For all students (EU and non-EU) the application deadline is October 15th for admission in February 2025 (curriculum 2024-25) and April 1st 2025 for admission in September 2025 (curriculum 2025-26).  Please check the steps of the application and admission procedure

What does this Master’s programme entail?

The first, common, master year provides you with a solid background in Biomedical Sciences via compulsory and elective courses, and a research internship. The interdisciplinary character of the first year offers you great opportunities to address health and disease-related issues from various directions. The second master year is dedicated to one of the specialisations.

Interested? Read more about our programme and specialisations.

Biomedical Sciences at Leiden University Medical Center

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Five reasons to choose the Master Biomedical Sciences at Leiden University

Learn more about career prospects in the field of Biomedical Sciences.

Keuzegids Hoger Onderwijs: Choice Guide Best Masters

Each year, the Keuzegids Masters (Choice Guide Masters) provides information about the quality of the Dutch Master’s Programmes.

The Masters Guide is produced by an independent editorial team, without sponsorship or subsidy from companies, institutions or the government. The results are based on student’s opinions from the National Student Survey (NSE), which is completed by students each year.

Compared to other biomedical sciences master’s programmes in The Netherlands our programme received, for five consecutive years now, (one of) the highest ratings.

Practical sessions make sure you gain hands-on experience.

Is the master Biomedical Sciences the right program for you?

The master Biomedical Sciences is the right programme for you, if you would like to:

Interested? Read more about the entry requirements for the master Biomedical Sciences.

Why Biomedical Sciences at Leiden University?

The Biomedical Sciences Master programme in Leiden will help to deepen and broaden your understanding of human health and disease. We provide you with a challenging and flexible programme in a personalized environment.

Study at a world-class university

Leiden University is the oldest university in the Netherlands and enjoys an excellent worldwide reputation built up over more than four centuries. Since 1575 we’ve provided sound personal education for hundreds of thousands of students. We’ll do our utmost to give you the best possible support. And if you can and want to do more, we’ll challenge you every step of the way. For many years, we’ve been among the leaders in Dutch university rankings and we are currently to be found in a variety of top international rankings too.

More reasons to choose Leiden University

Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC)

The LUMC is a modern university medical centre for research, education and patient care with a high-quality profile, excellent research facilities and a strong scientific orientation. Its research practice, ranging from pure fundamental medical research to applied clinical research, places the LUMC among the world top.

Leiden University Medical Centre combines patient care, education and research.

Virtual Tour LUMC: 360 degrees

Are you curious about the LUMC buildings where education take place? Then take a look at this virtual tour of the educational spaces in the LUMC, including lecture rooms, practical rooms, dissection room and the student bar hepatho.

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Bio Science Park

The LUMC is located in the Leiden Bio Science Park. Many life science-oriented companies reside here, creating an innovative research environment. The proximity of these companies to the LUMC and Leiden University creates unique possibilities for collaborationresulting in cutting-edge research and innovation. Furthermore, these companies provide excellent opportunities for an internship and/or a future job!!

Biomedical Sciences is taught at the Leiden University Medical Centre in the Leiden Bio Science Park.

Scientific staff

Teachers and supervisors in the master programme Biomedical Sciences are researchers. This guarantees that you always work on real scientific challenges and learn from your teacher’s experiences. In addition, researchers will become part of your social network, making it easier to find an internship or a job.

Frontiers of science

Researchers at LUMC work together in 10 research themes (Academic Pharma,  Lifecourse, Cancer, Cardio-Vascular, Regenerative medicine of tissues and organs, Medical Genomics, Infection, Immunity, Neuroscience, and Prevention & Lifestyle). The disciplinary and interdisciplinary challenges faced by our researchers provide a strong learning and research environment for our programme.

Courses in Biomedical Sciences are taught in small groups.

International environment

The LUMC is an international academic environment with master and PhD students from all over the world. The same applies to the scientific staff. English is the language used in courses, scientific meetings and the daily conversations that take place in the research groups. The LUMC has collaborative research alliances with leading institutes and consortia around the world, including academic research institutions as well as non-academic representatives such as commercial enterprises and special interest groups. 

About the programme

This two-year programme provides you with insights and hands-on training in biomedical sciences.

The Biomedical Sciences programme

For all students the master Biomedical Sciences consists of a common part (60 ec, usually in the first year) and a specialisation-specific part (60 ec in the second year). In the common part you will gain essential biomedical knowledge and skills via courses and a research internship. In your specialisation year you will either further explore research or gain knowledge and training in communication, management or education. By following courses and doing internships you will get a solid base for your future career. 

The common part of the programme for all students of the master Biomedical Sciences consists of:

The following educational methods are used in the master programme: 

  • Lectures
  • Workgroups
  • (Computer) practical sessions
  • Self-study exercises
  • Tutorials
  • Research internships
  • Independent writing
  • Presentations
  • Hands-on workshops
  • Live demonstrations

Depending on your choice of specialisation and electives other educational methods will be offered. Frontiers of Science courses are always taught to small groups of students.

Specialisations in Biomedical Sciences

The specialisation specific part will provide you with (more) insights in research, management, communication or education. You can decide on your specialisation during your first year, but you can even delay your choice to the beginning of the second year. The health specialisation is only for students that are also enrolled in the master programme of Medicine in Leiden. Read more about our specialisations:

Biomedical Sciences is taught in a personal environment.

Biomedical Sciences Research

The Biomedical Sciences research specialisation aims to provide you with a theoretical background and academic competences in multidisciplinary research in Biomedical Sciences. The entire programme is taught in English.

What does the Research specialisation entail?

In the Research specialisation you will spend two years (120 EC) on state-of-the-art biomedical courses and research. You will:

A great deal of the time you will be performing research yourself, thus you will obtain the necessary experience for your future job. Many of our Research graduates start with a PhD, but many other career options are also open. Do you want to know what your career options are with this specialisation? Read more on Career Prospects.

The components specific for the Research specialisation are:

The study programme of the Biomedical Sciences Research specialisation is flexible. You can choose a variety of different courses, electives and research internships. However, you have to train yourself in a broad spectrum of topics during your master.

Still, the Research specialisation allows you to focus, to a certain extent, on a particular scientific area. Tracks that provide this focus are connected to the research themes of the LUMC—namely Neuroscience, Immunity, Infection, Medical Genomics and Data-driven research, Cardiovascular, Cancer, or Regenerative Medicine

You can also design your own track, in which you can define your own fields of interest. 

In the Research specialisation you will gain a great deal of hands-on experience.

Biomedical Sciences Management

In the Biomedical Sciences Management specialisation you gain knowledge and skills in the area of management, business and entrepreneurship with focus on science- and research driven companies. You will combine research in biomedical sciences with different aspects of business studies and learn to build bridges between science and business. The entire programme is taught in English.

What does the Management specialisation entail?

The two-year Biomedical Sciences Management specialisation enables you to develop knowledge and insight of, and opinions on a career outside scientific research. The programme, called Science Based Business (SBB) broadens your perspective predominantly in the field of management (e.g. marketing, finance, project management). Yet, you will also be equipped to pursue a career within scientific biomedical research. During the Biomedical Sciences Management specialisation you will:

Do you want to know what your career options are with this specialisation? Read more on Career Prospects.

The components specific for the Management specialisation are:

The study programme of the Biomedical Sciences Management specialisation is flexible. You can choose a variety of different courses, electives and (research) internships. However, you can spend up to a maximum of 60 of the 120 EC of your master programme on the Management specialisation components. 

Team work is very important in Biomedical Sciences.

Biomedical Sciences Communication

The Biomedical Sciences Communication specialisation focuses on the interaction between science and society and concerns science communication in a broad sense. You combine your research training with different aspects of science communication. The entire programme is taught in English.

In Biomedical Sciences you are trained to communicate your research.

What does the Communication specialisation entail?

The Communication specialisation enables you to develop knowledge and insight of, and opinions on a career outside scientific research. It broadens your perspective in the field of communication (e.g. writing for a newspaper, website or science magazine or working for a museum). Yet, once graduated, you will also be equipped to pursue a career within scientific biomedical research. During the Biomedical Sciences Communication specialisation you will:

Do you want to know what your career options are with this specialisation? Read more on Career Prospects.

The components specific for the Communication specialisation are:

The study programme of the Biomedical Sciences Communication specialisation is flexible. You can choose a variety of different courses, electives and (research) internships. However, you can spend up to a maximum of 60 of the 120 EC of your master programme on the Communication specialisation components.  

Biomedical Sciences Education

In the Biomedical Sciences Education specialisation you gain knowledge and skills in the area of teaching in biology. The education specialisation is for students who want to work as a first-grade teacher Biology at secondary education or for those who want to specialize in education in general. Since the programme is partly taught in English and partly in Dutch, fluency in Dutch is required.

What does the Education specialisation entail?

The Biomedical Sciences Education specialisation enables you to make a relevant impact on society by educating today’s secondary school pupils for tomorrow’s challenges in the field of biology. Yet, once graduated, you will also be equipped to pursue a career within scientific biomedical research. During the Biomedical Sciences Education specialisation you will:

Do you want to know what your career options are with this specialisation? Read more on Career Prospects.

The components specific for the Education specialisation are:

The study programme of the Biomedical Sciences Education specialisation is flexible. You can choose a variety of different courses, electives and research internships.

Biomedical Sciences Health

The Biomedical Sciences Health specialisation aims to provide you with a theoretical background and academic competences in multidisciplinary research in Biomedical Sciences and in clinical practice in Medicine. Since the programme is partly taught in English and partly in Dutch, fluency in Dutch is required.

What does the Health specialisation entail?

This specialisation is only open to students that also follow the master Medicine at the LUMC.

In this specialisation you will have the opportunity to combine a master Biomedical Sciences with a master in Medicine and obtain two master degrees. You will not only follow state of the art (bio)medical courses, but you will also perform research yourself a great deal of the time. You will define your own fields of interest in courses and research projects, but are obliged to train yourself in a broad spectrum of (bio)medical topics and techniques. Still, the Health specialisation allows you to focus, to a certain extent, on a particular scientific area. Tracks that provide this focus are connected to the research themes of the LUMC—namely Neuroscience, ImmunityInfection, Medical Genomics and Data-driven research, Cardiovascular, Cancer, or Regenerative Medicine. You can also design your own track, in which you can define your own fields of interest

Students can apply for this specialisation if they:

1. have obtained a bachelor in Biomedical Sciences AND are also admitted to the master Medicine at the LUMC

2. have obtained the bachelor in Medicine AND successfully finished the premaster “Journey into Biomedical Sciences” (both at the LUMC). 

Do you want to know what your career options are with this specialisation? Read more on Career Prospects.

In the Health specialisation you combine Biomedical Sciences and Medicine. The components specific for the Health specialisation are:

Extra challenge

Master Honours Education

Are you a curious and motivated master’s student? The Honours Academy of Leiden University offers various kinds of extracurricular education, ranging from long-running programmes to short-term courses. 

Leiden Leadership Programme

Are you interested in a leadership challenge? Join the Leiden Leadership Programme (LLP). This one-year programme will equip you with the leadership knowledge, insights and skills you need to increase your societal impact. You further your personal development through trainings, seminars and a practical assignment within an organisation, in which you learn to cooperate intensively with other professionals. With the LLP, you earn 15 EC in addition to your regular master's degree.

Master Honours Classes & Challenges

Would you like to further develop your academic skills and societal awareness? Join one of our Master Honours Classes & Challenges. In a small-scale, interdisciplinary course, you will tackle a complex issue for society or for a specific partner organisation. You will learn about the latest scientific insights concerning the topic and cooperate in a practical setting, together with students from many different backgrounds. There are Master Honours Classes on offer for 5 or 10 EC. 

Career prospects

Graduates of the master Biomedical Sciences have good career perspectives: 90% of our graduates finds employment within 6 months of graduation (source: WO monitor). You can fulfil different positions in society depending on your specialisation of choice.

Specialisations in Biomedical Sciences

After completion of the master programme you have gained academic knowledge, insight, skills and methodology in the field of biomedical sciences. You adopted an academic attitude which prepared you for an academic career and postgraduate education as well as for a career in teaching or another career outside academia.

Even though you are equipped for a variety of jobs as graduate of the master Biomedical Sciences, there are differences in job opportunities depending on the specialisation you choose:

Research specialisation

You are very well prepared for a scientific career in research. Many of our graduates enter a PhD position first, before ending up in research careers in and outside academia. A job in research usually also involves research management and/or academic teaching.

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Management specialisation

You gained knowledge and skills in the area of management, business and/or entrepreneurship. Your career may focus on science- and research driven companies where you can fulfil positions like (project) manager or coordinator.

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Communication specialisation

You can fulfil the role of mediator between science and society, between researcher and layman. This could, for instance, be in the field of science journalism, museology, policy-making or public relations.

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Education specialisation

You have gained knowledge and skills in the area of teaching in biology. After successful completion of the specialisation you obtain a teaching certificate recognized by the Dutch authorities. 

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Health specialisation

Many of these graduates enter a PhD position first, before ending up in training to become a medical specialist.

Positions held by our alumni

All students with a Master of Science degree in Biomedical Sciences are admissible to a PhD programme.

Irrespective of the specialisation chosen, graduates of all specialisations are well prepared for a career in scientific biomedical research. In addition, our alumni often find employment in the following sectors of the job market. 
Source: Nationale Alumni Enquête 2017.

Career preparation

It’s a good idea to start thinking about your future (academic) career already during your study. Not sure yet which career you would like to pursue or how to find a suitable job? The master Biomedical Sciences and Leiden University offer different ways to prepare yourself for the job market.

Module Career orientation

One of the components of the master programme Biomedical Sciences is the module Career orientation. This unique module includes:

The ultimate goal of this module is to help you start your search for a job with confidence!

Career officer of Biomedical Sciences

If you need help with the planning of your master and choices in your master, you can contact our career officer. The career officer will personally guide you and advice you on your master planning, choice of specialisation, internships, future career and more.

Career services of Leiden University

Do you need more help finding the right job? The Career Service of Leiden University offers support if you have questions about your career, your personal profile, the job market and job applications. Career advisors can help you to plan your career, learn more about the job market and give form to your personal profile. Even in your first year after graduating the Career Services still can offer tips and advice for your future career.

Master's application and admission

Find out how to apply for Biomedical Sciences at Leiden University by following our step-by step guide.

Step-by step guide

This guide clearly explains the steps you need to take to apply, and the subsequent admission process.

Step 1: Check the admission requirements

Step 2: Check the application deadlines

Step 3: Collect the required documents

Step 4: Start your application

Step 5: Pay your tuition fees

Step 6: Prepare for your studies at Leiden University

Admission requirements

The maximum number of students that can be enrolled in the first year of the programme of the master Biomedical Sciences at LUMC is 100.

Admission for 2024-2025 (February 2025): Students that meet the entry requirements can be admitted after a qualitative selection procedure. All candidates have to submit a request for admission.

To be eligible for Biomedical Sciences at Leiden University, you must meet the following admission requirements:

Entry requirements for students with a bachelor’s degree from a Dutch research university

The Board of Admissions uses the following criteria: 

  • A bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Sciences [bachelor Biomedische Wetenschappen] of a NVAO accredited Biomedical Sciences programme or an equivalent thereof from a Dutch research university.
  • Research experience for at least three months in a final project (internship) at the start of the master's programme;
  • During a final project (internship) and/or courses the applicant has acquired skills with respect to working in a laboratory for at least three weeks;
  • In depth knowledge, understanding and skills (demonstrated by grades and/or ECTS) in: Immunology (6 ECTS), Pathology (6 ECTS), Bio-Statistics (6 ECTS), Neuroscience (6 ECTS) and Molecular Biology (9 ECTS) at the start of the master's programme;
  • Grade Point Average of at least 6.0 (Dutch grading system; or international equivalent) at the submission deadline.

Entry requirements for students with a degree from a Dutch University of Applied Sciences (HBO)

Dutch HBO Bachelor’s in Biology and Medical Laboratory Research or equivalent: students can be admitted to the premaster’s programme, provided good results were obtained in previous education, relevant modules were taken, and academic research experience was gained.  Admission to the master’s programme can be earned after approximately one year of study at the LUMC (premaster programme). Other HBO-bachelor certificates are less likely to warrant admission to the premaster’s programme. The premaster programme consists of the following courses from the bachelor Biomedische wetenschappen:

  • Immunology premaster (without practical) (7 EC)
  • Infectious Agents and Immunity (6 EC)
  • Introduction to the Neurosciences (6 EC)
  • Introduction to Molecular Biology and Oncology (2 EC)
  • Molecular Biology and Oncology (without practical) (9 EC)
  • Data Science assignment (1 EC)
  • Methoden en Technieken (4 EC)
  • Human Pathology (except theme 2, Anatomy of Organ Systems) (5 EC)
  • Hormones and the Nervous System (8 EC)
  • Communication in Science (1 EC)

The premaster only starts in September. A maximum of 10 candidates can be placed in the premaster's programme. When more than 10 candidates are admissible, candidates will be selected on basis of their results in their bachelor’s programme (Grade Point Average) and the time needed to successfully finish their bachelor’s  programme.

All candidates are subject to a decision taken by the Board of Admissions.

Entry requirements for students with a bachelor’s degree from a foreign research university

The Board of Admissions uses the following criteria: 

  • A bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Sciences or an equivalent thereof from a foreign research university.
  • Relevant Bachelor's programme;
  • Research experience for at least three months in a final project (internship) at the start of the master's programme.
  • During a final project (internship) and/or courses the applicant has acquired skills with respect to working in a laboratory for at least three weeks;
  • In depth knowledge, understanding and skills (demonstrated by grades and/or ECTS) in: Immunology (6 ECTS), Pathology (6 ECTS), Bio-Statistics (6 ECTS), Neuroscience (6 ECTS) and Molecular Biology (9 ECTS) at the start of the master's programme;
  • Grade Point Average of at least 6.0 (Dutch grading system; or international equivalent) at the submission deadline.

The following requirements apply: 

  • IELTS Academic modules only, on paper or on computer: 6.5 overall, with at least 6.0 for each separate component score.
    • We do not accept IELTS Academic online.
    • We do not accept IELTS General Training, IELTS Indicator, or IELTS One Skill Retake
  • TOEFL internet based: 90 overall, with at least 20 for each separate component.
    • We are not able to accept The TOEFL IBT Home Edition™, except in the following situations only:
      You took the test before 1 Sept 2022 (and it is not more than 2 years old), or you are unable to take an in-person test on location because test centres are inaccessible or closed due to unsafe conditions in a country.
    • We do not accept the following types of test: TOEFL My Best™ scores (multiple test scores combined), TOEFL Essentials™  or institutional tests such as ITP.
  • Cambridge English Exam C2 Proficiency, or C1 Advanced (180), with a minimum score of 169 for each separate component.

Note that English test results may not be more than two years old.

You do not have to submit an English proficiency test if you have completed your education in the USA, UK, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia, Canada (except French-taught programmes in Canada) Singapore, South-Africa or Malta; or if you have obtained an English-taught International Baccalaureate™; or if you have completed a Dutch VWO diploma or an English-taught bachelor at a Dutch research university.

For detailed information, including exemption criteria and methods of submission, refer to 
English language proficiency

Insufficient education?

Insufficient education in one or two of the aforementioned subjects may be compensated in the master’s programme, by taking (bachelor’s) courses offered by LUMC (in English if available), as long as these deficiencies do not exceed 15 ECTS.

Language requirements for the Education specialization

The education component of this master's programme is taught in Dutch. All applicants that have not achieved a Secondary Education qualification in the Netherlands, have to demonstrate their Dutch communication skills. The level of Dutch is assessed through an advanced Dutch language exam. For more information about the exam: Admission Exam TUL Advanced

A Dutch as a Second Language Certificate (Certificaat Nederlands als Vreemde Taal) at Educatief Startbekwaam or Educatief Professioneel level is also sufficient to meet the language requirement.

>> Go to the next step: Check the application deadlines

Application deadlines

Starting in February 2025

Scholarships, grants and loans

Do you want to apply for a scholarship, grant or loan? Please note, most of these have earlier application deadlines (see below). 

Apply early!

All students have to complete a two-part application procedure:

You must submit your application via Leiden University’s application system (uSis), before the deadlines mentioned above. Don’t delay; if you haven’t registered in Studielink and activated your uSis account in time to apply by the indicated deadline, you’ll miss out!

Other deadlines

Leiden University reserves a limited number of rooms each year for international students. However, as the number of housing requests always greatly exceeds the number of rooms available, we strongly recommend that you also look into other housing options at the same time. Read more about how and when to arrange housing. If you want to request accommodation via Leiden University, submit both your application for admission and your housing request well before the deadlines! Accommodation is offered on a first-come first-served basis and is not guaranteed. You don’t have to await admission before requesting housing.

If you want to apply for a scholarship, grant or loan, please bear in mind that different deadlines apply, and these deadlines can often be earlier. Deadlines vary per scholarship. Visit the scholarship website for more details.

>> Go to the next step: Check the required documents

Required documents

When you apply for admission, you’ll be asked to submit several documents.

Required application documents

You’ll need to submit the following documents:

Please upload a copy of the page(s) in your passport containing your personal details and photograph. If you are from the EU/EEA, you can submit a copy of your identity card instead. Please upload copies of both sides.

If you are a non-EU/EEA national already living in the Netherlands, upload copies of both sides of your Dutch residence permit.

Your CV (curriculum vitae) must be written in English and should contain your basic personal data, as well as a clear overview of your educational and professional history to date.

You can apply for admission before receiving the results of your English language test. However, a sufficient result will then be a condition of your eventual admission. Of course, if you already have your English language test results, you can upload them directly.

  • Digital copies of diplomas and transcripts are initially required. Once you have been admitted, we will inform you how to submit certified copies.
  • The documents must be in the original language. If they are not in English, Dutch, German or French, they must be accompanied by official translations into one of these languages.
  • If you have not yet completed your current programme, state your expected graduation date and submit copies of all transcripts obtained to date plus a list of subjects still to be completed.

Additional requirements – specific for the Master Biomedical Sciences

Fill in the application form for the master Biomedical Sciences. You can upload the document in the online application portal (uSis). 

Additional requirements – specific for premaster Biomedical Sciences

Please note: you will only need to upload:

>> Go to the next step: Application procedure

Application procedure

The application procedure is divided into four parts.

Part 1. Apply for a programme in Studielink

Please follow the instructions given in Studielink. After taking the first step, you will receive an email with the following information (bear in mind that it can take a few days): 

  • Confirmation that you have started the application process in Studielink
  • Login details for Leiden University’s online application portal (uSis)

In the online application portal, Leiden University will guide you through all necessary steps to complete your registration, as well as informing you about what you have to do after applying. Please follow the instructions carefully. See also Part 2: Admission to Leiden University.

Please follow the instructions given in Studielink. In order to apply for the premaster Biomedical Sciences, choose  in Studielink for Bachelor Biomedische wetenschappen (NOT first year) After taking the first step, you will receive an email with the following information (bear in mind that it can take a few days): 

  • Confirmation that you have started the application process in Studielink
  • Login details for Leiden University’s online application portal (uSis)

In the online application portal, Leiden University will guide you through all necessary steps to complete your registration, as well as informing you about what you have to do after applying. Indicate that you wish to follow a “premaster”.

See also Part 2: Admission to Leiden University.


Part 2. Admission to Leiden University

You must apply for admission via Leiden University’s online application portal (uSis). Please follow all steps below. 

In our online application portal (uSis) you can finalise your application by uploading the necessary documents and answering a few questions. This portal provides an overview of what you need to do to complete your admission application. Please follow the instructions carefully and make sure to include all the items that are asked for. We strongly recommend that you complete your application well in advance of the application deadline.

All applicants with an international degree must pay a non-refundable €100 application fee, which entitles you to apply for up to three programmes/specialisations in the same academic year. We cannot start processing your application until we receive this application fee, so please pay it as soon as possible. The online application system explains how you can pay it.

Can I be exempted from paying the application fee?
You do not have to pay the application fee if:

  • You are following, or have completed, a bachelor’s degree at a Dutch university (of applied sciences). 
  • You have previously registered as an exchange, bachelor’s, master’s or pre-master’s student at Leiden University.
  • You have previously been admitted to the same degree programme at Leiden University, but you decided to postpone your studies. This does not apply if you are applying for a different study programme or specialisation.
  • You have refugee status in the Netherlands (with a residence permit for asylum).

Exemptions cannot be granted for any other reasons.

After you have submitted your application, the online application portal (uSis) will, if applicable, ask you if you want to apply for student housing, a visa/residence permit or a scholarship. Be sure to make a careful note of the relevant deadlines for these options.  

After receiving your application fee payment (if applicable), the Admissions Office will check whether all the necessary documents have been uploaded and they will inform you by email whether any further items are required. The Board of Admissions of the faculty will then:

  • decide whether you meet the admission requirements for the programme; 
  • aim to issue a decision on your completed application within four to six weeks of the University receiving it.

Once a decision has been reached you will be informed by email. You can also view your admission status in the online application portal (uSis).

There are two possible outcomes:

  1. You are conditionally admitted; in other words you will be admitted, provided you meet certain conditions. The condition(s) will be given in the decision letter. Please note: This study programme has a limited number of places. This means that admission to the programme is not equivalent to a place in the programme. If more than 100 candidates are admissible, a selection procedure will be initiated. (see Part 3: Qualitative selection below).
  2. You are not admitted, because you do not meet the programme’s entry requirements.
    The reasons will be clearly stated in the decision letter.

Part 3. Qualitative selection

When more than 100 students are conditionally admitted, a qualitative selection procedure will decide on definite placement in the master programme. The ranking of candidates will be based on the criteria listed below.

There are two possible outcomes of the selection procedure.

Based on your ranking in the selection procedure, you are offered a place in the master’s programme. You will have 14 days to accept this offer. If you accept the offer, you can proceed to finish your registration as a student of the master Biomedical Sciences. If you do not accept the offer within 14 days, you will forfeit your place.

Based on your ranking in the selection procedure, you are not offered a place in the master’s programme.. However, if a candidate, mentioned above, declines the offer, the highest ranking candidate on the admission list will be offered this place.

To accept the offer, please reply to the email send by the master programme in which a place if offered.

Furthermore, the Admissions Office will ask you if you want to accept the offer of (conditional) admission. Please respond via the online application portal (uSis), by going to ‘Application study programme(s)’ then accessing the ‘Confirm’ screen, where you will have three options:

  1. Accept
  2. Accept, but defer to a later start date (only possible within the same academic year)
  3. Decline

Part 4. Student registration

If you’ve been (conditionally) admitted, follow these steps to register as a student at Leiden University:

Check in the online application portal (uSis) whether you need to submit any documents to meet the conditions of your admission. Instructions on how to do so will be provided in uSis.

Arrange the payment of your tuition fee before the official start date of your programme. You will receive instructions and information on the available payment methods by email.

If you are an international student, go to the Prepare your stay page of our website for information about the practical matters you should take care of before and upon arrival. These include, for example, arranging housing, scholarships, applying for a visa/residence permit and insurances.

>> Go to the next step. Step 5: Pay your tuition fees

Tuition fee

The amount of tuition fee you have to pay depends on your study programme and your personal situation. In the tuition fee calculator you can find all the rates, surcharges and reductions and easily determine the amount that applies to you.

Tuition fee calculator

Tuition fee calculator 2024-2025

Tuition fee calculator 2023-2024

Explanatory notes

How much tuition fee you pay depends on:

Read more

Scholarships, grants and loans

Leiden University offers a wide range of scholarships for students from specific regions of the world, or for specific programmes. Leiden University also offers the Leiden University Excellence Scholarship (LExS), a programme specifically designed for non-EU/EEA students enrolling in a master’s programme. Find out more about scholarships, grants, loans and deadlines

If you are an EU/EEA or Swiss national and under 30, you may be eligible for a loan from the Dutch government to cover your tuition fees.

>> Go to the next step. Step 6: Prepare for your studies at Leiden University

Prepare for your studies

You’ve been accepted! Leiden University looks forward to welcoming you as a new student. Your next step is to prepare for your studies. Below you can find some tips to help you get a head start as you embark on your studies at Leiden University.

For international students

If you are an international student, a wealth of information can be found on the ‘Prepare your stay’ page of our website. This includes information about visas, housing, financial matters, what to arrange upon arrival, and much more.

For Dutch students

  • The ‘student website’ page on Leiden University’s student website contains information about practical aspects, introduction weeks and student associations. It’s also a handy source of study-related information and advice.
  • For detailed information about courses, schedules and reading materials, check out the Prospectus. 

Sign up for the introduction week in Leiden (OWL) or The Hague (HOP)It’s the best way to get acquainted with student life and the student cities of Leiden and The Hague. 

Your student card is your proof of registration as a student of Leiden University. You can find your digital student card in the Leiden University app three days after your student registration is finalised. Read more about your student card here

As soon as you receive notification that your student registration has been finalised you should apply for a Leiden University ID card, or LU-Card. It also serves as your library card, print & copy card and access pass. Read more about applying for an LU-card here.  

Student life

Leiden is a real student city and has everything you’ll need to turn your time as a student into the time of your life

Leiden student city

Leiden University has contributed to the city’s unique atmosphere for over 400 years. The city’s historical centre is full of student associations, student accommodation and university buildings. With its many pubs, cafés, restaurants, theatres and museums, there’s always something to do. Leiden is a winning combination of small and fun, yet big in character as a student city. Thanks to its compact layout, it’s never more than a short bike ride from your accommodation to the University, and you’ll always see someone you know along the way.

Study association

As a Master student Biomedical Sciences you are automatically part of the study association Medical Faculty of Leiden students (M.F.L.S.). The M.F.L.S. takes care of the improvement of education and organises several activities to improve the relationships between students and teachers. One can think of excursions, travel, drinks, movie nights, dressed-balls, lectures, sport activities and parties.

Information activities

Would you like to know more about the Master Biomedical Sciences? Or studying and living in the city of Leiden? Biomedical Sciences has several information sessions to help you in making the best choice.

Master Open Days

The next Master Open Days are:


Are you seriously considering to start with the Master’s programme Biomedical Sciences? Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!

Questions about the Master Biomedical Sciences

For general information concerning admission, the possibilities within the master and advice with respect to the scheduling of your master’s program, contact our advisors via

Questions about studies at the LUMC

You can contact the LUMC Education Service Desk for general questions about studies at the LUMC. Call (+31) 071 – 526 8700 from Monday to Friday, 08.30 to 16.45. 

Questions about Leiden University

Call +31 071 527 11 11 from 9.00 to 17.00 for questions about Leiden University or send an e-mail.

Call +31 071 527 80 11 from 11.00 to 16.00 for questions about registration and admission or use the contact form.