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SAILS Lunch Time Seminar Special AI & Ethics

Monday 27 September 2021

Karën Fort - Sorbonne Université, France

Ethics in AI; a View from NLP

In the last decade, AI, and especially Natural language processing (NLP) applications have become part of our daily lives. Firms like Google, Facebook or Amazon have devoted huge efforts into research and are present in all our conferences. The distance between researchers and users has shrunk and a number of ethical issues started to show: stereotypes are repeated and amplified by machine learning systems, AI is used for ethically-questionable purposes like automatic sentencing, and more or less experimental tools are forced on users without taking their limitations into account. In this presentation, I'll detail some of the issues we are faced with, and I'll propose a  systemic view on the subject that allows to uncover some blind spots that have to be discussed.

For more information about this seminar or how to participate, please contact Mischa Hautvast.

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