Universiteit Leiden

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Suzanne Naafs


Dr. S. Naafs
+31 71 527 3839

Suzanne Naafs is a lecturer at the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology, Leiden University. Currently, she supervises and teaches on gender, development, and diversity in Leiden and at LUC in The Hague.

Suzanne studied Cultural Anthropology in Leiden and holds a PhD in Development Studies from the Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University (2012). Her research interests are in the fields of international development, urban anthropology, gender and youth studies, with a geographical focus on Indonesia. She has researched and published on global changes in higher education, young people’s pathways into work, middle-class lifestyles and intergenerational mobility in urban Indonesia (and Southeast Asia more broadly).

Prior to joining Leiden University, Suzanne held research positions at the Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore; the University of South Australia; and the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV).


  • Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
  • Culturele Antropologie/ Ontw. Sociologie

Work address

Pieter de la Court
Wassenaarseweg 52
2333 AK Leiden
Room number 3A25


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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