Universiteit Leiden

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Sense Jan van der Molen Lab - Physics of Quantum Materials


On this page you can find the current vacancies at the Van der Molen research group.

We have two vacancies for the ongoing EU FET program ONEM (optical near-field electron microscopy) which aims at combining the best of light microscopy and electron microscopy. 

  • The first one is a PhD position. We have already gotten very promising results in the first phase of the program, so that the next PhD candidate can truly profit of the work done before. We are looking for an intrinsically motivated experimental physicist or applied physicist (MSc; f/m) who combines scientific curiosity with a hands-on mentality and the ability to work in an (international) team. For more information and the application procedure, read the vacancy description.
  • The other vacancy is for an ONEM Postdoc position. We are looking for someone with a PhD in a related area. 

There is also an opening in collaboration with ASML and ProDrive for a PhD candidate on the HiTaL (High Throughput Anisotropic Lithography) project. 

If you are interested in either of these positions, feel free to contact Sense Jan van der Molen.

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