Computer Science & AI
Pascal chair at LIACS
The Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) of Leiden University proudly establishes the Blaise Pascal chair. The chair applies for one year and is meant to strengthen the cooperation of the Leiden computer science research with foreign institutes.
Pascal professor 2023 is Peter Flach
Peter Flach (2023)
University of Bristol, UK
Department of Computer Science
Intelligent Systems Laboratory
Heike Trautmann (2017)
University of Münster, Germany
Information systems and statistics
Natasha Jonoska (2015)
University of South Florida, Tampa, USA
Theoretical computer science and natural computing
Lecture: ‘Computation by molecular self-assembly’
Kyle A. Gallivan (2012)
Department of Mathematics, Florida State University, USA
Algorithms for large scale systems and computations
Lecture: ‘An Introduction to Methods for Optimization Problems on Riemannian Manifolds’
M. Koutny (2011)
School of Computing, Newcastle, UK
Lecture: ‘Enhancing Petri Nets to Model Biological Processes’
Nada Lavrac (2010)
Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
D. De Groot
Hardware design
X. Liu
Brunel, UK
Lothar Thiele (2005)
Embedded systems
Constantine Polychronopoulos (2000)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
T. Head (1998 first Blaise Pascal Professor)
Algebra and DNA computing
George Cybenko (1996 Kloosterman)
Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth College, Hannover, NH, USA
H. Ehrig (1993 Kloosterman)
Graph transformations
A. Salomaa (1988 Kloosterman)
Formal languages and automata