Universiteit Leiden

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Laura Heitman nominated for Prix Galien

Laura Heitman of the Leiden Academic Center for Drug Research (LACDR) has been nominated for the Prix Galien Research Award. This important pharmaceutical prize honors young, prominent researchers whose scientific research is of great importance for fundamental or clinical drug research.

Better medicines

Heitman has been nominated for her important contributions to the field of medicinal chemistry. She is working on new concepts that can yield better medicines that are safer and more effective. For example, she studies the binding kinetics of medicines: the duration of the binding between a medicine and the active site in the body. Heitman has already won various scholarships, such as a Veni and Vidi grant, and published an article in Nature in 2016.


On 2 October during a full evening ceremony, Heitman will hear whether she has won. The prize consists of 5,000 euros and a medal. 'If I win, I want to use the money to do something with my team, without them I can not do this beautiful and important research.'

The research of Laura Heitman

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